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When you'd started dating Yoongi you'd known of the fact that he is lazy. On his time off he likes to lay in bed and do nothing—maybe he'll read a book and make some ramen or take a shower, but that's it. He cherishes his off days like an old man, and sometimes that upsets you honestly.

Your relationship has lasted this long because 1.) You understand how Yoongi's mind works and how busy he is and 2.) You're pretty easygoing yourself. have needs. And you know he has needs too, so sometimes you just don't get it.

"I'm not really feeling it right now," he tells you, yawning as he turns on his heel and swaggers back towards your room. He flops face first onto the mattress and you stare in appalment.

"Come 'n nap with me," he grumbles into the sheets at seeing your unhappy look, and you scoff.

"Enjoy your nap Yoongi," you say, tone clipped as you turn away and trudge into the living room. You hear him mumble something in your wake but, of course, he doesn't get up to come after you. Yoongi hates confrontation, after all—and you'll get over at some point, just like you always do.

But...not this time, you decide. Not this time—not when Min Yoongi had just showed up to your apartment without warning and passed out on your bed. If he had brought food or had even kissed you and suggested a movie, then maybe you would've been in a better mood, but without speaking more than a "hello" he had dragged himself into your room and promptly passed out.

Think again, bitch.

Determined, you suddenly stand from where you'd been sitting on your couch. You pad quietly down the hall and peak in through your opened bedroom door. Yoongi is sleeping on his back, hands tucked peacefully on top of his stomach as his chest rises and falls slowly.

'He's gonna kill me', you think but don't stop, butterflies of excitement building in your stomach at the thought of what you're about to do.

You sneak over to your closet, rummaging as quietly as you can through your stash of hidden toys. After a minute you find what you're looking for—a pair of restraints—and tiptoe to the edge of your bed. Yoongi is completely unsuspecting, not even budging as you climb onto the mattress, gently lifting one of his hands from his stomach. You lift it above his head, securing it to one of the bedposts with as much swiftness as you can manage.

Once his right hand is secure, you move onto the left, shifting your body so you can reach the bedpost better. You've just lifted his arm above his head when a groan of question alerts you to his awakening state.

"Y/N?" he questions, not sounding too pleased at having his nap interrupted.

Knowing that you're going to be in deep shit, you quickly straddle his arm and pin in to the bed beneath you, working quickly to get his other wrist tied down.

"Wha—?" Yoongi says, mind becoming clearer as he feels you slip the restraint over his hand. Immediately his eyes narrow and he starts struggling, trying to pry his arm free.

"No!" You yell defiantly, working to tighten the restraint properly. Yoongi practically growls.

"Y/N!" he barks, cursing when he realizes that you've already got his other arm secured to the bedpost. Luckily, you manage to tighten the restraint just in time and hop back in triumph, grinning happily as you seat yourself atop his hips. He's practically snarling at you.

"Let me out of these things right now," he demands, voice cold as he tugs at his restraints, the headboard creaking at the movement. You wink, splaying your hands over his abdomen and leaning down to rest your breasts against his chest.

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