V - I'm Sorry

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"Y/N, I'm sure if you just gave him a chance-"

"No, Taehyung, please don't make me go in there-"

"You're being childish. You guys are cute together and you've never been happier. One drink just to talk it all over won't hurt, will it?"
"Taehyung, you have no ide-"
"C'mon, I'll drop you off. Let me grab my keys and I'll drive you to the café, okay?"

Your shoulders slumped forwards as you stared up at your grinning best friend in front of you. For Taehyung. Going for this one drink with your ex-boyfriend that you had been trying to leave for months wouldn't hurt, would it?

Yes it would. And he had no idea. It wasn't exactly like you could tell him either; he looked up to your ex-boyfriend and they got on well so it would make him sad to know the real reason that you left him. Or rather, ran away. You wouldn't upset him like that.

"Let's go, I'm ready!" he called from the front of the apartment and you took a deep, shaky breath.

You could do this. This was nothing. You were used to putting on a smile and pretending to be in love with the man that you lived with. One more night to make Taehyung happy would be okay.


"I'll be in the restaurant across the road with Jungkook and Jimin, okay? We had plans to eat there anyway, it just opened last week. Call me when you're done and I'll come get you." he said, smiling down at you outside the doors to the café. He tucked some of your hair behind your ear and planted a small, tender kiss on your forehead.
The tiny act of love nearly brought tears to your eyes, but you smiled weakly up at him and turned away to enter the café.
"Be safe!" he called after you.


"So.... What, you're letting her go? Just like that?" Jungkook questioned, dipping a fry in his dip. "I'm not too sure on Western food, y'know."

"It wasn't 'just like that', Kook-ah, it's taken me ages to let her go. I can't keep loving my best friend forever, especially when she's happy in her relationship." Taehyung said, staring glumly out the window at the café where you and your boyfriend were.

Boyfriend. He could have spat the word.

"Happy? Didn't you say she came round in floods of tears? Doesn't seem happy to me." Jimin commented, slurping loudly on his milkshake.

"She didn't know what she was talking about, she wasn't making sense. It was probably just a stupid argument, I don't want her to give up on her relationship just like that."

"Whatever, your call. Anyway, I hope one of you two are gonna pick up the bill because I accidentally on purpose left my wallet at home." Jungkook said, sniggering as he dodged the hit Jimin threw his way.

"You are such a brat, Jungkook."

Taehyung wasn't listening; all of his attention was focused on the opening door of the café opposite and the appearance of your boyfriend and then you. He was watching you walk out, and you made eye contact so quick that he wasn't sure it even happened. He watched you walk a few steps, say a few words, slide your phone out of your pocket. His phone left his pocket too, awaiting your call and he would go over there and take you away from the man that wasn't him.

With all his attentiveness, however, he didn't see that coming.

You had barely lifted the phone close enough for you to see the screen, still saying some unheard words to your boyfriend, when his hand raised and smacked the phone out of your hand.
Lurching up out of his seat, eyes completely round, Taehyung watched you stare down at the smashed phone at your feet and open your mouth to say something, to scream something, but his hand came up again to grab your throat, backing you against the wall.

Taehyung was screaming. Sprinting out of the restaurant, he screeched your name across the busy road the loudest he possibly could, but you didn't even look in his direction, staring at the man with wide eyes, your hands pathetically scrabbling at his that were wrapped around your throat. His heart hammering, vocal chords tearing themselves apart, he tried to dive into traffic to run to you.

Car horns blare, voices shout out, arms wrap around his upper torso and pull him backwards to tumble back onto the pavement.

"Are you insane?" Jimin shouted, pulling the younger boy up and smacking him hard over the head. "You could have been killed!"

"Y/N!" Taehyung yelled, completely disregarding what Jimin had just said and running back into the road again. "Y/N!"

In all of the confusion, he couldn't very well see what was going on across the road but he did see that the man had released you and a crowd was forming around the two of you, shouting angrily at him.
Despite all of this, the man still lunged forwards and struck you hard across the face and Taehyung was only halfway across the road.

He heard shouts of your name and his from behind him and two pairs of running footsteps so either Jimin and Jungkook were running after him to tackle him down again, or they were running to your aid as well. Either way, Taehyung was faster, and he made it to the other side of the road after what felt like he was running for years.

Without a single thought, he shoved through the angry crowd and slammed into your assaulter, sending the two of them sailing to the ground. As quick as a flash, Taehyung was up again and sending as many punches as he could at the pathetic man on the floor. His fists made impact with his stomach, his face, his chest, his neck, anywhere that Taehyung could see. However, Taehyung had no experience will pummeling somebody's face in and so the man on the floor managed to escape his furious onslaught and send a right hook of his own to Tae's face.

White lights burst behind his eyes and he went stumbling back. Ears ringing, heart pounding and blood rushing, his body left his and your ex was able to gain his balance. He stood up quickly, kicking Taehyung away from him, and sprinting away. Some of the crowd watching yelled angrily after him and even some people seemed to sprint after him.

Taehyung wasn't sure if he was concussed or not, but there seemed to be police sirens wailing in the distance. He hoped there were, he wanted that disgusting, vile man to rot behind bars where he could never hurt Y/N again.


He whirled, eyes bleary and hands desperately searching. You must have known what he was looking for because your hands were clutched into his soon after and you were crying in his arm, his head nuzzling into your hair.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He kept muttering, kissing the top of your head repeatedly. You said nothing, you just let him rock you slowly from side to side in the middle of the pavement, surrounded by all these strangers as tears streamed down your face.

It was over.

He was gone.

Taehyung had saved you. Taehyung had gotten rid of him.

"Thank you." You whispered, turning in his arms so you could lay a gentle kiss on his collarbone. He said nothing, he just held you tighter.

"I'm sorry," he whispered again. "I won't let you get hurt ever again. I promise."


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