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Jungkook frowned as he looked outside of the window, waitingfor you to come back from the bathroom. You were playing cards with him at the boys' dorm, and you were really frustrating him:

You weren't taking any of his hints.

He'd made at least two different passes at you since you got to the dorm. He knew that he was awkward around girls, but he'd thought that he'd done well with you. He was clearly wrong, and the thought was irking him.

He heard you come down the hallway and snapped his attention back to you.

"Sorry about the wait," you smiled. He was sitting on the couch, and you sat on the armrest next to him. His heart pounded a little, and glanced off in different directions. "Can we get some food?" you asked, swinging your legs.

"Y-yeah..." he answered nervously. The two of you stood, kitchen bound, but you crashed into him on accident.

"Sorry, Oppa!" you laughed, backing away from him. Instinctually, Jungkook grabbed your arms. He stared into your eyes intently. He built up his courage, prepared himself, and—

"Oppa, you're acting weird," you giggled, pulling yourself away. You turned towards the kitchen, and he just stared after you, dumbstruck. His mouth hung open in utter confusion. He followed you anyway, and you were completely oblivious to what was happening.

"Do you have any of Jin's leftovers? Those sound amazing right now!" you said in a singsong voice as you dug through their fridge.

"Yeah, somewhere," he answered blankly. He crossed his arms as he thought of what he should do. "Making passes" was, evidently, not enough. You were already putting food on both of your plates before Jungkook came back to his senses. He had to tell you flat out how he felt; that seemed to be the only way.

"...that I'm great friends with you guys. Ya know? I'm just glad I got to be friends with you," you were saying.

"[Y/N], I like you!" the maknae blurted out. He froze as he realized what happened; he wasn't prepared for your reaction yet.

You cocked your head to the side, plates in hand. "I like you, too." Jungkook wasn't sure how to react to this. "I like you and all of the other members; you're my best friends!"

No. Way.

You breezed past him, eager to start the anime he'd picked out for you to watch together. He was frozen in place, stiff as a board. There's no way you could be that dense. He turned his head slowly, but your expression hadn't changed at all. You really didn't get it.

He grew very frustrated. What is with her?! He almost stomped into the living room; his mind was totally blown by your denseness. How was someone this thick even possible? You handed him his plate, making a comment that he didn't really hear. He took bites that he couldn't taste, and he couldn't comprehend what was happening on the screen.

"Oppa? Are you feeling okay?" you asked, leaning in close to him. He frowned again as his face heated up from the sudden closeness.

"I'm fine!" he snapped unintentionally. Your eyes widened in surprise and hurt, and you righted yourself in your seat.

Blew it, he sighed in his head, disappointed in himself.

"I'm sorry," he murmured. He fiddled with his hands nervously. "I'm just a little frustrated, is all."

"It's okay," you said quietly. He grew more determined as you sat silently next to him. He grabbed your hand, angling himself towards you.

"I like you," he tried again.

"I know? I like you, too, remember?" You weren't understanding.

"No, I mean... I like like you," he said almost pleadingly. His face was heated, and it only got worse as his embarrassment increased.

"I don't get it," you answered earnestly.

"I like you!" He felt like his face was going to explode, and he was getting angrier.

"I know! Are you sure you're okay?"

He gritted his teeth in an almost fury.

"How many times do I have to say it?!" He gripped the back of your head, clenched his fingers in your hair, and pulled your face against his. He kissed you roughly, and you let out a quick noise of surprise before melting into him. The movement of his lips became gentler. He pulled away from you, convinced that he had your attention now. He was right; you stared at him with doe-like eyes.

"[Y/N], do you understand now?"

You nodded in awe. "I... I like you too," you said, looking down with a blush. He tilted your chin up with a gentle hand so you were looking at him again.

"Say it again," he commanded softly.

"I like you..."

He kissed your cheek gently, and you grinned in return.


"I like you."

He kissed your forehead this time.


You giggled a little bit. "I like you."

He kissed your lips once more, and you could feel him smiling with you.

source: https://btssmutandfluff.tumblr.com/post/115007371125/

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