Jin - I'm Sorry

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"(Y/N)-ah.." Yoongi, and Jimin frowned.

"You're not actually going are you?" Yoongi sighed, repositioning his spot on the staircase.

"I-I don't know.." You looked to your shoes, "I don't want to. I have you guys, and I really don't want to start over at a different school."

"Don't go!" Jimin pulled you into a soul crushing hug, "Please!"

"Jimin!" Yoongi yelled, attempting to pull him off your suffocating body.

"No!" He held even tighter, "Not until she says she's not going!"

"Get off, hyung!"

"Say it, (Y/N)!" He over dramatically cried, squeezing the last of your living life out of you.

"I'm not going!" You gasped, pushing him away by his head.

"Better?" Yoongi narrowed his eyes towards him.

"Yes!" He nodded.

You were still frowning a little, "Mhm." You answered.

"You lied," Jimin's facial expression dropped. "If you really decide to go, you won't be able to date Jin!" He pointed in your face.

"Don't tell her that," Yoongi scolded him.

"Well, it's true. She can't expect to leave the person she likes behind like that, and have them like her."

"As much as I hate to admit it," Suga looked to you instead now, "He has a point. So what's the plan?"

"Maybe I'll just tell him.." You looked down the stairs in the sea of kids.

"And leave?" He scoffed, "You can do better than that. Your grandma said that unless there is a good reason for you not to go live with her, you can stay. Wouldn't she allow her only granddaughter to stay if she were to have a loving, dorky, awkward, stupid boyfriend?"

"Your grandmother is nice," Jimin smiled, "Remember when I met her? She liked me,"

"Yes, but that was by accident; not to mention you helped her with her bags."

"I did, but I know Jin will help her with everything." He nudged your arm lightly.

"He'd be great with your family, and he cooks really good food." Yoongi was practically drooling at the thought of Jin's cooking.

"How will that make him like me?" You questioned.

"Take our word for it: he will like you." Jimin held your shoulder, "Go confess!" He cheered you on, "You can do it!"

"Yeah, let's go fine him!" Yoongi grabbed your wrist, and pulled you down the stairs. "Jimin, you keep your eyes pealed for Jin." He instructed.

"Can I do it on my own time?" You begged, wriggling out of Yoongi's grasp.

"Is it privacy that you want?" He asked you, letting go. You nodded slowly, and he spoke again, "Jimin, let her do it by herself. We can't force her, or else it'll be awkward for them."

"But Jin's already awkward," Jimin was still looking through the crowd—jumping to see above their heads to no avail.

"Exactly; let's not make it even more awkward." Yoongi dragged him away from the students.

"You go find your lover-boy," Jimin winked, walking in the direction where he saw the other boys.

"Good luck, (Y/N)." Yoongi pulled you in for a hug, "I just know he's gonna say yes. I see the way he looks at you, and he talks about you quite often." He pulled away, only to quickly switch to holding your shoulders. "It's gonna be just fine."

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