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I look at my wristwatch as the time shows 12am, i look over to the door and sigh "Nothing.." i mutter to myself.

Is the third time this week that he has not come home early as he promised. I'm getting tired hearing his nonsense and excuses like "Sorry babe, i had practice." Or "Went out with the boys." And today he gave me an excuse of "The boys ask me to go party."

I don't mind that since he has the right to do that with the boys but what bothers me most is that he doesn't commit.

I actually can't help but think that what if he's cheating on me. Shivers run down my spine as i shake my head furiously "No no no." I cup my face and pat it repeatedly "No Jimin wouldn't dare to do that. I trust him." I smile.

He said he was going to he here at 7, it's 12:10 now and he still hasn't showed up. Annoyed i grab my phone and text Taehyung.

Tae! when are you guys coming
home from the party?

Party? What party?

I furrowed my eyebrows as i see his text and type again.
Yes, the party that Jimin told me you guys are going...?"

Huh? He didn't say anything about a party Y/N

What? What do you mean? Where are you?

In the dorm with the rest of the boys,
they're resting after a tight schedule

My mouth went wide open and reread his text he sent me . He lied to me? Why?

Y/N.. what's going on? Are you okay?

He didn't say anything to you
before he left?

No, he just left. What's going on Y/N?

Nothing.. it's fine.. i'm fine

Taehyung sent in "Okay.. rest well Y/N." And i throw my phone to the couch. I run my fingers through my hair as i take a deep breath.

Pacing back and forth letting all my worst nightmare kicks in. Why did he have to lie to me? Is he.. no way! He couldn't. He wouldn't. Right?

Just then minutes later the door flew right open revealing a very drunk Jimin.

Ugh.. drinking and Jimin is never a good combination.

I watch him as he smiles at me "Hello~" he slurs stumbling a little and falls to the couch. He looks at me squinting his eyes "Wh-who are you..?" He ask pointing at me, rubbing his eyes.

I scoff, huh. He can't even recognize his own girlfriend. Jerk.

I cross my arms and look at him "Where were you Jimin?" I ask him and he smiles widely "Out with the boys." I look at him disbelief. "No. You are not. The boys are in the dorm resting! Where have you been Jimin?!" I ask raising my voice.

His facial expression changes to solid rock hard and stares me intensely "You don't believe me?" He ask and i shake my head "NO."

He stares me with those eyes "Where have you been Jimin?.. just please.. tell me." I said lowly as my tears threatens to fall down.

He looks at me funnily and laughs like a maniac "Tsk tsk tsk." I look at him weirdly. "You want me to tell you?" I nod at him and he makes a 'come here' motion with his pointer finger, and he leaned in my ear.

"I was out with Sarah." He whispers.

My eyes widen as my mouth opens and i look at him in disbelief "No! NO!" I shouted tears already falling down.

He looks at me confused "Why not? After all she's hot as fuck. She keeps seducing me and eventually i give in, and damn.. she is tasty." He said smirking.

I look at him shaking my head "You-"
He nods laughing looking at me evily "Yes yes. I fucked her." He said like it was the most proudest thing he's done. "REAL GOOD."

"WHY JIMIN?! WHY?!" I ask and he smirks "She is so much hotter than my girlfriend Y/N. She is irresistible and so much more good in bed." A gasp escape my lips as i cover my mouth as i look at him disgusted. He leaned in and whispers "But don't tell Y/N i cheated on her.. she doesn't have to know that i fucked her bestfriend real real good."

I can feel my tears rolling down my neck and into my cleavage as it drops harder. "Did Y/N did something bad to you? Why didn't you ask her for your needs?!" I snap at him.

He chuckles "She is boring. She doesn't like to try new things in bed, she can't give me the satisfaction i need. Plus Sarah is so sexy and Y/N is just.. plain." He said squinting his eyes looking at me "Honestly i don't know why i'm even with her." He said and that made me lose it.

I slap him across the face real hard surely will leave a hand mark. "FUCK YOU JIMIN. Fuck you! Fine! We are done Jimin! Don't bother to call me, text me, or to look for me! We are done!" I shout at him pushing him to the floor as i grab my things and walk to the door.

"YOU BITCH!!" I hear he say while holding his left cheek. I scoff looking at him "Have fun with your new toy Jimin. Hope you're happy!" I said as i slam the door shut.

I walk down the road and sob even harder. How dare he say that? How dare he even do all of that? I let out all the tears i've been holding and scream "AAAAAHHH! JIMIN YOU DICK!"

I wipe all my tears and take a deep breath. "Cheer up Y/N. Guys like Jimin will surely get what he deserves." I sniffle as i fix my hair "You can live without him
Y/N. You can." I said to myself as i try to smile to hide the pain.

Park Jimin, nice meeting you. Nice knowing you. Thanks for entering me into your life and became your girlfriend for 3 years.

Thank you for all the good memories we had, even bad ones. All the fights, tears, because of that we became stronger.

But i guess tonight wasn't the case. Thank you Jimin, for making me learn and feel how to be loved. Experience love and heartbreak.

I may have hate you. But i can never forget you Jimin. You will always be my first love. No matter how hurt you made me.

Even though we are done, i hope you can be happy with her. And maybe i'll find my Prince somewhere too.

Thank you Jimin.


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