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All that was missing was your boyfriend and the actual movies. The last few months had been a whirlwind of promotions on his side and exams on your side, and you just wanted to finally relax with one evening together. But you couldn't help but feel a little nervous. It had been a long time since you last saw him.

There was a light knock at the door, and you opened it to find a grinning Namjoon, a DVD in each hand. He brought them up to your face, making sure you got a good look at them.

"Action or comedy?"

You laughed, taking one of the cases from him and meeting his grin with one of your own. It was hard to tell that just a few minutes ago you were so nervous. "Action first, comedy after."

He took your hand, pulling you to the couch before putting the disc into the DVD player. He plopped down next to you, slinging an arm over shoulder and draping a blanket over the two of you. You relaxed against him. He had only been there a total of five minutes, and yet you already felt so much more at ease.

Somewhere between the protagonist attempting to save his girlfriend from a fiery explosion and the bad guy losing, you found yourself snuggled up in his lap. Your heart was beating fast, and you wanted to tell yourself it was because of the fast-paced scene on your tv, but you knew it had everything to do with the boy behind you, running his hand up and down your arm.

On screen, the reunited couple was sharing a passionate moment. The storyline was predictable, the dialogue rehashed. But it was heartwarming, nevertheless. It just reminded you of Namjoon's presence, as if you even needed a reminder, and you turned back to look at him. And before you knew it, his lips were on yours.

Kissing Namjoon could only be compared to one thing. It felt like drowning, in the best way imaginable. Air escaped you and your vision blurred. You lost all of your senses except touch—his touch—and you couldn't help but think that if this was how you were going to go, then you would go willingly, with arms wide open.

But you had never gone this far. You had shared plenty of kisses before, but your busy schedules had hindered you from going any further. And if kissing Namjoon was like drowning, then making out with him was like sinking, to the very depths of the ocean.

By this point, any inkling of rational thought had flown out the window. His mouth was hot on yours, tongue exploring every inch of you. His hands had somehow slipped underneath your shirt, and they were now rubbing slow circles on your skin, leaving goosebumps in their path. He squeezed your sides gently before his hands reached for the hem of your shirt.

And that was when it clicked.

"Wait—" you pulled away quickly, jumping off of his lap. Your head was swimming and you tried to remember what it felt like to breathe normally. This feeling was so foreign—the irregular heartbeat, the fact that the room felt at least ten degrees hotter than it was before.

"Sorry. Did I hurt you?" The look of genuine concern on his face was enough to make you melt. You wanted to just say screw it and pull him back to you, but there was something stopping you. You forced yourself to turn away. If he was going to continue looking at you like that, you were going to lose all resolve.

"No—I just—" you drew a deep breath, trying to figure out how to form the words. "I want to wait."

"For what?"

"I mean I want to wait...to do...well, that."

"Oh," his features softened as realization set in. "That's okay. We'll wait—"

"No, I mean, I want to wait. Until I'm married. I'm sorry." You bit your lip, nervously awaiting his reaction. You didn't want to upset him, but you weren't about to give up your values either.

"Oh," he blinked a few times, then flashed you a little smile. "That's okay, then."

And with that he leaned back on the couch, staring back at the tv as if nothing even happened. To say you were shocked was an understatement. You had been dreading this conversation your entire relationship, though you knew it was inevitable. But he just made everything seem so simple.

"That's it...? You're not mad?"

He sighed, grabbing your hand and pulling you into his chest and on his lap, back into the cuddle position you were in before.

"I'd be kind of a jerk if I was," his hand was running up and down your arm again. "I love you and I want you to feel comfortable in this relationship. If you want to wait, of course I'm going to respect that."

He gave you a cheeky grin, and you didn't fail to notice the mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Besides, this just gives me more reason to spend my time convincing you to marry me."

source: http://scenariosandshit.tumblr.com/post/110313742861/

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