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You fidgeted with the box that you had currently been wrapping on your table, the tape not making your life easier as you tried to tape down the brown wrapping paper that had your doodles on it for your best friends. A soft growl rose from your throat, the corner of the left side of your mouth pushed up into a snarl. Your hair was everywhere from how you pulled it and raked your brains trying to figure out a solution to this hard task that was supposed to be simple. Clicking on your tongue when the box looked at least half decent, you made a motion to hop up from your kitchen table going towards your room to change from your long shirt that you slept in into something more appropriate for going out. Which actually in your mind wasn't anything more covered up. Grabbing at white high waist shorts you slipped them on but not before putting on some fishnets that had a protective band around your waist ensuring the material would stay secure. Placing on your favorite red lace bra, you threw on a pink button down shirt, leaving the first three buttons undone you only snapped two below it in total before tying the ends in the front causing the shirt to rise and show a peak of the lower part of your belly button. Crossing into the bathroom feeling your excitement boil over practically, you set yourself in to curl your hair and pin it up, tying a bandana around it letting your bangs fall messily into your right eye. Your makeup was bold because at times you liked to be a bold girl- just not a scary one. Base and foundation a little blush also never hurt. Your eyebrows were drawn in to make them thick, your eyelashes curled and lined with mascara. You put pink eyeshadow around the bottom of your eyelid leaving the top to be a soft stroke of red as if it was fading out. You drew on wings on your eyelids finishing it off with red lipstick. Once you made sure you looked absolutely breathtaking you went to put on ankle boots not wanting to have to walk around town in heels all day.

Why were you getting so dressed up? Well your best friends Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook had just gotten back from tour. You had missed them terribly and while they were gone you also visited the states to stock up on their favorite snacks that couldn't get brought in Korea and you made them something like a care package. You knew that the two should be home today, or at least the whole group, you hadn't actually talked to them but considering they had down time you wanted to bet they would avoid the studio and the company building while they rested for at least a day. You had known Jimin and Jungkook before they debuted and you were lucky enough they kept you around to meet the rest of their friends deeming you as a best friend for life. And you were proud of all their hard work and everything they stood for. Grabbing at your house keys, you carried the large box in hand. As you walked to the curb to wait for a taxi all of you hoped that they were there, yes you should have asked but there's no harm in coming over unannounced, right?

An hour later you were standing there in front of the dorm shaking off the nervous feeling you had in your stomach. You always got like this when it was time to come face to face with them again. It didn't help that they were attractive as well, making you all the more nervous though you've practically spent all your time here with them. Walking up to their door, you knocked on the surface leaning against the door to see if you could hear anything. A pout soon graced your facial features as you were returned with nothing. Sighing you tried knocking once again and when you got no answer you called both phone lines that rang but never picked up. Sighing, you grabbed your spare key from your pocket (not even the manager knew you had it) so you had to pick and choose the right times to come over for his sake as well. You moved to open the door walking inside deciding to just leave the box there and wait for Jimin and Jungkook to tell you later how much they enjoyed the gift. At first, you decided to leave in on the table so that everyone would know it was from you but because you thought one of the elders would try to keep it for themselves you opted out and decided to head for their room.

"Ungh~ J-jimin." You heard a deep male voice ring out with a cry of pleasure.

Your face heated up quickly, your ears felt like they were on fire and you prayed that you heard that wrong. Creeping towards the heavy breaths that quickly followed the moans of pleasure you ended up in front of one of the rooms. The door was ajar, open enough to see in but not wide enough to walk right in. What you saw almost made you drop the box. Jimin was on top of Jungkook, their naked bodies were pressed together, Jimin's hand wrapped around Jungkook neck as he drove into him, fucking him senseless against the bed. Jimin was smirking looking down with hooded eyes at the male below him. Groaning from the pleasure as his hips slapped against Jungkook's. His sweaty hair pressed against his forehead some falling into his eyes as he opened his mouth to whisper out to the pleading male.

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