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Where you two have been best friends for years and one day you end up play fighting/wrestling and things just go uphill from there.


Your bedroom door swings open and a schoolbag hits your lower back.

"You could of told me you weren't coming to school." Namjoon says frustrated.

"And you could have told me you were coming over?" You respond as you sit up on your bed.

He's wearing black jeans, a oversized band t shirt and a denim jacket. His hair messy and one of his converse shoelaces untied.

"Why aren't you wearing pants?" He questions looking at your lack of bottoms under your oversized t-shirt that was actually his.

"I dont know? maybe because this is my room?" You scoff.

"I had to run, i couldn't stand school without you." He explains as he sits down at your desk chair.

"Aww Joonie couldn't spend one day without his best friend, how cute." You tease.

"Shut up, anyways i came here to pick you up."

"Where are we going?"

"My house." He explains.

"Cant we just stay here?" you moan.

"Nah lets go to mine Y/N"

"Ugh ok."

You move over to your closet and pick out a pair of shorts and slip them on before going to downstairs and into Namjoons car. His house is only a few minutes away from your house, three minutes and twenty three seconds to be exact, you and Namjoon counted when he first got his car. You arrive at his house and nobody is home meaning you could be as loud as you wanted, you and namjoon had this game you started when you were younger of who could scream the loudest, there was no prize other than a sore throat, its just you have been doing it since you were three.

"Man open a window." You beg as you walk into the dark bedroom, it smells of sweat and old chips.

"Suck it up, its my room." He teases before he sticks out his tongue.

You sit on his unmade bed and he sits on the two person couch right next to the bed discarding his jacket on the messy floor. His laptop sitting on his bed and you log in, he hasn't he changed his password since seventh grade. When the computer logs in Facebook instantly opens and a message pops up.

"So you don't like me?" You make your voice really high to mimic a cartoon girls voice.

"Hey!" He shouts before running to try and grab the computer.

"I do its just there is someone else?" You make you voice deeper to match his.

He moves so fast and closes the computer before you could read the next line. In the processes of trying to close the computer he falls on top of you. Instantly you guys start wrestling, you trying to get the computer and him trying to get it away from you.

"Namjoon come on, who is it." You laugh as you try to grab the computer, him doing everything to obstruct you.

"Just leave it, it doesn't matter." He says sternly pushing the computer away from you.

"Just tell me who it is, come on." You giggle.

"Y/N just leave it." he raises his voice instantly making you stop trying to get the computer.

"Jesus, if its that serious i'll leave it." You huffed out of breath.

In the process of trying to get to the computer you ended up on top of Namjoon, sitting on his pelvis.

BTS ONE SHOTSOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant