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Enough with the SMUT for right now:)time for fluff and cute oneshots/imagines.

    Running into your apartment, not looking back for anything, slamming the door shut harshly, almost making the vase of flowers on the small table by your door fall. The flowers that you THOUGHT were from Hoseok. In anger and disgust you ended up throwing the flowers on the floor, stepping on them making sure each delicate petal was ripped to shreds. "I hate you I hate you" you cried, as you ran to your bedroom, and began to sit on the floor besides your bed sobbing, the amount of tears you cried were probably enough to fill every swimming pool in the world, but Hoseok probably didnt even care about your cries. You think about the past, as you continue to cry in your hands.


    "Hoseok Hoseok!! Come take a picture of me!" you giggled, as you stood on top of a rock smiling and posing. "Your so cute" Hoseok laughed, as he took a picture of you. "Now what?" he asked smiling. "Now give me your phone" you said, as you grabbed his phone. "What are you doing Y/N" he asks. "I'm done~~~" you sing as you hand him his phone, you set the picture of you as his phone background, Hoseok smiled brightly. "Now everytime I turn on my phone i'll see a beautiful angel" he said, as he kissed your forehead. "I love you so much Y/N. I love you more than anything in the world, never forget that" he said, hugging you. "I love you too Hoseok" you said, hugging him back, you never wanted this to end.

           ~~weeks later~~

    You walk into Hoseoks office, as you see his bright smile replaced with a frown, his bright facial expressions now replaced with a stress, you wanted to make him happy. "Hoseok!~~~ I brought you lunch" you say with a cheerful tone, placing the lunch on his desk. "Oh.. Y/N.. Thanks" he smiled, except this time it was different. It wasn't Hoseoks normal smile, his smile was different. It didn't seem real. Hoseok didn't even pay attention to the lunch you made him, the lunch you made him with thought and love, he just turned back to his computer screen, not saying anything back to you. After a few minutes of silence between the two of you, you decided to say something. "I missed you a lot Hoseok." you say, grabbing a chair sitting by Hoseok. "Me too" he replies, with no expression and life in his tone. You begin to feel a little hurt as you looked down, Hoseok didn't even bother to look at you, not even a quick glance from the corner of his eyes. "I love you Hoseok. I love you a lot." You say, massaging his arm slightly. "Me too" he replies, without any affection in his voice. You look down again, extremly hurt this time. "Would you stop doing that?" he says coldly, moving your hand off your arm. "Hoseok i-i'm sorry I-" Hoseok cuts you off "Just go. Please" he says a bit more sternly. "O-okay, i'm sorry for bothering you" you say, standing up. "Take this too" he said, handing you the lunch, his eyes still glued to the computer screen. "B-But I made that just for you" you say softly. "Fine. Bye" he says. "Bye..." you whisper. When you walk out of his office, you bump into Yoongi. "Hey Y/N" he says. "Hey" you reply, as Yoongi walks into Hoseoks office. You stand by the door for a second, as you hear Hoseok speaking to Yoongi. "Yoongi, want this lunch? I don't want it, if you don't want it i'll throw it out" he says, before you can hear anything else, you run home crying.

          ~~1 week later~~

     You sit on your sofa, watching a TV show, as you suddenly miss Hoseok, even though he made you sad, you missed him a lot. He hasn't texted you, only once to tell you that he'll be busy for the rest of the week, and that he hopes your doing okay. You answered him back saying you loved him, but he only said "Me too" and never texted you back after that. You really miss Hoseok, and want to be in his embrace only at this moment, burying your head in the crook of his neck, playing with his hair, as he would tell you how much he loved you. At that moment, the doorbell rings, you open it up to see a flower delivery person (those exist right? if they don't they do in this story)"Umm, is this Y/N?" the man asks. "Yes I am" you reply. "These are for you, have a good day ma'am" he says, as he hands you the flowers, roses to be exact. "Thank you" you say, and closed the door. The roses were beautiful, and they had a beautiful scent, and the vibrant red petals were so soft to the touch. You placed the flowers in a vase on a small table by your door, as you noticed a little note in the flowers "From Hoseok. To Y/N. I Love you" it read, you smiled, as it brought you joy that Hoseok really did love you and miss you, and that he also cares, the feeling of joy ended after a small amount of time, as you noticed that Hoseok spelled your name wrong, but that wasn't the only thing you noticed. The handwriting was different, it wasn't even Hoseoks. It was Yoongis. Hoseok just told Yoongi to send it to you to make it look like he cared about you.


    You walk into Hoseoks studio, as you see him looking stressed, red eyes, empty energy drink bottles scattered around, crumpled up lyric sheets everywhere. "Hi Hoseok-ie" you say, walking toward him. No answer "I missed you a lot. Hows the song going?" you ask. "Fine! Beautiful! Amazing! I got SOOOO much done!" he says sarcastically. "Come on, I bet you go some good lyrics going on" you said, standing by him, holding the paper with lyrics. "Don't touch that!" he said loudly, snatching it out of your hand. "Hoseok! Whats gotten into  you? Your different!" you say. "Because of you! Your so annoying!" he yells. "Hoseok....I-I just miss you." you say tearing up. "Well, I don't. In fact i'm glad I was away from you. I don't even care about what happens to you! I don't love you, at all, now GET OUT!" he yells. "Hoseok..." you cry softly. "LEAVE! Your so annoying and useless" he said with hate in his tone. You run out of his office crying, and you never planned to walk back in there. You bump into Yoongi again. "Hey, whats wrong?" he asks, you ignore him and just keep running out of the building. Yoongi walks in Hoseoks office. "You really really messed up hard Hoseok." he said, nodding his head in disgust.


     You grab the photo of you and Hoseok that was on your nightstand. When you guys were happy, when everything was okay, when he would smile at you, tell you that he loves you, and show that he loves you with the sweetest things. That was the past now, because the present was you with your back pressed against your bed, crying into your knees staring at an old photo of you and Hoseok, those memories faded, memories that'll never come back to life. You hated Hoseok right now, you wanted to delete all the memories you have with him, but everything you looked at reminded you of him, and what made you angrier was that at the same time you loved him still, a part of you still missed his touch, his embrace, his kiss, his smile, his laugh, just everything about him, but again, the other part of you hated him, becuase he took all of that away from you, it felt like giving a kid a present at Christmas, a beautiful present that the child has longed for, and then taking it away from the child after you let the child get a taste of the toy. You felt heartbroken, betrayed, manipulated, by a man who never even loved you.

    One hour later, you still had your back pressed against the bed, as you kept on crying, until you heard a knock on the door. "Y/N? It's me, Hoseok, please open the door." It was him, his voice sounded calm, and it also sounded regretful. One part of you wanted to ignore him, but the other part of you wanted to open the door and jump into his arms. "Y/N please open the door. I'm sorry. I messed up, please give me another chance." he said. 'I-i dont know" you said as your voice cracked, still crying as you spoke. "You hurt me too much." "I Know Y/N please, open the door.  Please." he said. You couldn't help it, you had to see his face again. You got up slowly, opening the door, as you looked down. Your face looking dirty, with makeup smeared from your tears, red eyes and a red face, messy hair in tangles. You looked like a wreck. "N-no Y/N. I-I can't stand looking at you like this i'm really sorry" he said, closing the door, trying to hug you, but you pushed him back. Hoseok sighed, as he looked down at the floor, seeing the flower petals ripped on the floor. "You found out about that" he siad softly, you just cried louder in response, as you fell to your knees sobbing in your hands. "I hate you Hoseok. I hate you." you screamed in your hands. "I-I'm sorry." he said, as he began to tear up. "Liar. you said you don't care about me and you don't love me" you said, voice cracking again. Hoseok kneeled down next to you, massaging your back. "I didn't mean it, I was really stressed, but that was no excuse for me to bring your anger out towards you. Please forgive me Y/N  I need you. I love you" he cried. You began to look up. "Don't cry...I can't stand it either." you said, sniffling and wiping his tears. "Y/N i'm so sorry i'm so sorry" he said, hugging you tightly, holding you against his chest. "I love you Y/N I really do. I actually really do." he said, looking at your face. "Your so beautiful Y/N, even when you look messy, your beautiful. Your mine." he says smiling faintly. "I-i'm still yours?" you say, crying. "Yes baby your mine your all mine I love you." he said smiling bigger now. "Hoseok.." you say softly, holding his hands. "I love you too." you said smiling. He squeezed your hands. "I'm never ever letting you go, and i'm never ever going to hurt you again, I promise babe, and this time I mean it." he says, running his hands through your hair. You felt happy again, everything was like before, you were with Hoseok, he loved you, and he cares for you, you were in his embrace again, and most importantly, he loved you back , and he loved you so so much.

Source: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/

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