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The boxes in front of you remind you of unpleasant memories, of countless goodbyes and lost friendships that couldn't survive the distance. The box cutter lying on the table next to you reminds you of new schools, of having to grow accustom to a change of scenery. The duct tape in your hand reminds you of empty nights, of staying in bare rooms because you're afraid that once you get comfortable and try to make the place feel like home, you'll have to leave again.

Moving was never your decision.

It was your lifestyle.

There wasn't much you could do about it in the past. You would become used to one place, only to have your parents tell you it was time to pick up and leave.

And now here you are again, for what seemed like the millionth time, standing in a sea of cardboard and packing peanuts.

You wonder if you'll ever find some sense of stability in your life. Something that won't ever change, won't ever leave.

"You know," you jump as a pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind, "this place is not going to pack itself."

You sigh, leaning back and trusting the person behind you with your weight. "I know, but I keep hoping it will."

He chuckles, brushing his nose along the side of your ear. "Are you getting emotional?"

"I can't help it," you frown, causing him to let out another chuckle. "A lot has happened here."

He hums, the sound making its way throughout your entire body in pleasant little shocks. The feeling is familiar, but it never fails to make your breathing a little uneven.

You both stare ahead at the state of your half-empty apartment. There are boxes of all sizes littering the floor, a couch and a few picture frames being the only reminders that this place was was once inhabited.

That this was once a place that was considered home.

Hoseok tightens his grip around your waist. He's laughing about something again but you don't ask him why. This habit of his is something you've grown accustomed to over the past two years.

"Do you remember that one time Jimin tripped over your dining room table and busted his lip open?" His soft laughter was starting to turn into full-out cackling.

You scowl a little, reaching out to elbow him in the gut. He lets out a low grunt. "Don't you mean that time you tripped Jimin and I spent the next week cleaning blood out of my freshly washed carpet?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Hoseok mumbles, letting you out of his grip before walking off to finish taping up one of the boxes on the floor.

You smile, taking a moment to think about that day. You and Hoseok had only been dating for about four months at that time, but that didn't stop him and his members from invading your apartment.


It's Friday night. You're planning on spending the evening with your favorite movie and Thai food when the door to your apartment bursts open, Hoseok falling in ungracefully and a dazed Jimin trailing behind.

"What the—" you let out a yelp as Hoseok runs to you, enclosing you in a bear hug and giving you a wet kiss on the cheek.

When he pulls away, you notice the video game case in his hand.

"We need to use your TV," he grins, yanking Jimin to the couch.

"What? No, but wait. I was about to—" but your words are simply ignored as Hoseok already had a controller in hand, a look of utmost concentration on his face.

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