Chapter 22

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Drew's P.O.V

"I swear to god if you make me fall I will kill you !" I yelled as Louis almost pushed me off.

My feet were barely able to keep me stable.

I had woken up early in the morning and decided to go for a jog. However as I closed the bedroom door I woke Louis up and he had insisted on going with me. We ran for about thirty minutes until I wanted to take a break. There was this wall that was separating us from the beach so I decided to climb on it and enjoy the view. The wall was about three meters high, benches were what helped us get up there.

"I'd love to see you try." he laughed as he wrapped his arm around me and leaned a bit forward. "I wonder what happens if I let go." he added.

"Don't you dare." I glared at him.

Louis laughed again, put us back in a stable and balanced position as his arms went to his sides.

"There. Happy ?"

"Yes very." I smiled to him my eyes closed.

I was completely taken aback when I felt his lips on mine and instantly opened my eyes. Soon realising that he was kissing me, I kissed him back my arms latching themselves to his neck and his arms circling their way around my waist. I suddenly felt myself being leant backwards and feeling the emptiness behind.

I pulled out of the kiss and looked behind me seeing nothing but sand.

"Louis !" I yelled as I hid my face in the crook of his neck and having my arms having a very strong hold around Louis. My legs made their way to his waist and wrapped around it very strongly.

He was a sadist honestly ! All he did was laugh.

"Ok ok !" he laughed again.

I still had a very tight hold on him scared that he was going to let me go any moment now.

"You're safe. I'm not even holding you." he informed me.

I looked around and noticed that I had my arms and legs wrapped around very tightly, so tightly that even if he wasn't helping me I was still attached to him. And definitely not letting go.

"Oh my god you're like a monkey !" he chortled.

"I'm going to let go but promise that you won't scare me."


I slowly untied my legs from around him and once my feet found the floor I detached my arms from around his neck.

"You crazy animal ! Come on let's finish this jog !" Louis jumped off the wall and on the road he was.


"Well where have you guys been ?" Liam asked as Louis and I entered the house.

"Jogging. And then we stopped to get breakfast. And another stop because Drew wanted to go to the loo. And then another one because she wanted to visit a pet shelter. At the end we just took a taxi back here." Louis explained.

"You're making it seem like it's all my fault ! What about the time we stopped because YOU had to go to the toilets or when YOU wanted to collect seashells and even worse when you made them fall and didn't even notice it so YOU made us go back to collect them again !" I added.

"What we're trying to say here is that we're never going jogging ever again." Louis concluded.

"Well I hope not..." Liam replied. "Anyway, pictures are all over twitter now just so you know. There was this fan who saw you kissing on some wall or something and she followed you all the way until you guys took a taxi." he informed us.

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