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      Tomorrow is my birthday. I'm half excited, half kind of upset because I'm only one year away from thirty and that makes me feel so much older than I actually am.

      I am at work, and I just want to go home and take a nap. I am so tired. I was working late last night on this case. I mean this lady's wants her ex-husband to at least have some custody but he doesn't want any.

It's sad really. My heart aches for this kid, all I can do is just make sure his dad pays child support. It's the least this fucker could do.

"Colie?" It was my boss.

"Yes?" I smiled.

"How are you?" She walked in.

"I'm doing well. What can I help you with like she asked.

"Wow you're not even going to ask me how I am?" She asked.

"No, because I know you only came in here because you want something from me," I smiled. She laughed sitting down next to me.

"Well you are right. I want you to work on a case with me when your done with your case. I know you'll be done with in the next few days, so just let me know. By the way you're beautiful," she laughed.

"I'll only do it if you keep complimenting me the way you are," I laughed.

"Aren't you married?" She smiled.

"Doesn't mean I don't appreciate compliments. Wow that's so rude. I like to think I'm pretty even if you aren't trying to get me to do all of your dirty work for you," I smirked.

"You're great. I can't wait to work with you!" She shut the door. I sighed softly.

I don't want to work with her. She's going to make life miserable. She's a nice lady, but she is a nightmare if a case starts going south.

I got my things together and got going. I'm hoping the father changes his mind and decides to fight for his son. Not only so I don't have to join my boss in case but because why the fuck is he having kids if he doesn't care about them.

I got food on the way home, hoping Rafael would be there. He's been busy a lot this week. I just want to see him before eleven at night.

I walked inside and everything was clean. The table was set up beautifully, along with candles.

"What's all this?" I found Rafael in the kitchen.

"I know your birthday is tomorrow and we are doing things for that, but I thought we could do a date night because I hate not spending time with you," he smiled.

"I like the sound of that," I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you so much Cole." He rested his head against me.

"I love you too. Is everything okay? You're not dying are you?" I couldn't think of that.

"No, I'm fine. I just love you. I need you. These cases make me crazy, and knowing I get to come home to you, makes me happy. So let's eat because I'm starving."

"It smells so good. God you're the best. You should've been a chef."

"I would've never met you," he pinched my cheek.

      "Maybe you would've found someone else you love... also you can still do it. I'm behind you all the way." I kissed his cheek.

         "You're the best," he couldn't help but grin. "Maybe I'll do it when I retire. I doubt I would've found someone like you. It's really rare." He snorted.

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