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           Rafael and I are going out for a date tonight, which is nice. He is staying up all hours, trying to put away a rapist who is on a spree. He has the same MO every time, and no one knows where he will strike next.

            It's really annoying me and him, but he finally caught him. So now, he just has to go through the trial, and will most likely put him away.

              I got home and changed from my skirt into jeans. We are going to a movie and then out for ice cream. It's Thursday and I don't have be at work until nine.

               I heard the door open. I smiled knowing it was Rafael.

               "Hi Carñio. How are you?" He kissed me.

              "I'm good. How are you? How was your day?" I smiled.

              "Court was long. It was good though. Are you ready for our date?" He asked.

                "Yes I am. Go change and we'll go," I grabbed my phone. Marie had texted me.

                Marie: Hey!! So I haven't seen you in like forever! What do you say to meeting up this weekend?

                 Me: Yeah, I would! Maybe breakfast on Saturday or drinks on Saturday night?? Which ever works best for you

                  Marie: Well I hate to suggest the one time you didn't, but would lunch Saturday work? Then you could possibly come shopping with me and help me pick out a dress to wear to a thing I have?

                Me: Yes of course! I would love to! What time?

              Marie: Would one work for you?

             Me: Sounds perfect. Tell me where and I'll be there

               "Who are you texting?" Rafael came in the room.

               "Marie. She wanted to meet up on Saturday and go dress shopping for some party she has to go to," I got up.

                 "Or she wants to get into your pants." He wouldn't let that go. I rolled my eyes.

                 "Shut up. You know I'm sick of hearing about that. I love you and only you. I only like having sex with you. Anyway, I don't want that to happen. She never made a move on me while we were together, unlike your friends." I snapped.

                 "You're right I'm sorry," he kissed my head.

               "Let's just go enjoy our date night, I really want to see the Wonder Woman movie." I put on a jacket.

               "Are we going to forgive Olivia?" He asked.

              "No. No I am not, because she is still in love with you. She still wants you to chose her. She just wants you to think she's the better person, that she is good, so you actually fall madly in love with her," I kissed him. "But that won't happen because, I am much sexier. Also I think I know just a little bit more with sex."

           "You were a virgin," he snorted.

            "Again stop talking. You are the reason I'm not. You enjoyed every minute of making sure I wasn't any more, as did I. Think about it though, would you rather have sex with me or her?"

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