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Rafael's POV

I got home late, and I'm annoyed by that. I could've gotten home earlier, if Olivia had gotten her shit together. I went upstairs, and got undressed. Nicole was sleeping. She looks so beautiful, just sleeping.

            I got into bed and wrapped my arm around her. She turned over. She slowly blinked before kissing me.

            "Hi." She whispered. "I was hoping to be awake when you came home."

            "I just want to hug you all the time,"  I sighed. She laughed shutting her eyes.

              "I love you and I'm going back to bed," she yawned.

             "Okay," I shut my eyes, inhaling her scent. How the hell does she always smell nice? Does she wear perfume to bed?

              I still picture the way Marie jumped on her after their win. It angers me. I hate that Marie has her practically eating out of the palm of her hand.

I let my self just relax before falling asleep.


I woke up to an empty bed. I wish Colie was still in bed. I rolled on my back not wanting to go to work today. I just want to take a day off but Colie and I are thinking of taking a longer trip and going to Italy. I would love to go and I know she would too.

Being the dork she is, she would love all the history in Rome.

"Hey you," Colie smiled.

"Hey I thought you left already," I sat up smiling. She was in leggings and my t-shirt.

"No today I have a doctor's appointment. You know my mom's side is like the carrier of every disease known to man kind. I swear if a zombie apocalypse started, someone from my mom's side would be patient zero," she rolled her eyes. "I like knowing I'm healthy, but I hate being poked with needles all day." She sighed.

"Then what do you say to me making dinner for us tonight? I'll make you favorite. Then we can have wine, and watch a movie. What do you say?" I pulled her close. She rested her head against my chest.

"I really like the sound of that. Let's do that." She squeezed my hand.

"You know you make it really hard to do anything. Like right now I have to get up and change, but I can't, because you're here, looking fine as hell," I kissed her neck. She moaned softly, leaning more into me, if that was possible.

"You should go to work. You have to make money, so I can still keep you as my sugar daddy," she laughed.

"Nice to know you at least love me for one reason," I laughed.

"Don't start this. You know I love you for different reasons, and money has never been one of them," she got off me.

"You're right, I love you for your money," I laughed.

"Shut up," she rolled her eyes.

"Come on, you know I love you for your ass," I joked. She cut me a look. "I'm only kidding. You know I love you because you're smart as hell. It's so sexy on someone. It's your most attractive feature," I grabbed her hand.

"Is it?" She pouted.

"Yes. I hated you so much, because you weren't only smart, but so unbelievably kind. You had such a pure view on the world. It also made me love you. People say ignorance is bliss, but you know all the facts, yet you're so positive. It's stunning to watch, and I love it," I kissed her. She smiled a little.

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