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         Things between Rafael and I have been getting better. My birthday is coming up and I'm hoping we can keep it low key.

             I just want to see my family and spend time with my fiancé. My parents have been visiting more often, which is nice but kind of weird. They love Raf. They think he's funny.

            I know he is funny, kind, and sweet. No one else sees it but me.

          I was at work when I got a phone call to come down to the SVU station. I had to deal with kids and whether they would be tried as an adult for abusing the one boy's younger brother.

           I went over there not to thrilled. I just want to go home.

          "Hey Cole," Raf greeted me.

          "Hi Honey," I kissed his cheek.

          "Nicole thank god you're here. Raf wants to try them as kids but with the max sentence and no parol. I think they need to be tried as adults." Liv glared at Raf.

          I walked in and read the files. I talked to both of the boys and my god they need help. They need to be tried as adults though. They are sixteen but they are criminals.

          "No, they need to be tried as adults. They are not even sorry for doing it," I got my things.

          "Thank you," Liv rolled her eyes.

           "Fine you guys win. They are tried as adults," he gave in. "See you later," he kissed my briefly.

            "Bye," I blushed. "See you guys."

           "Wait Counsellor!" Carisi came up to me.

          "What's up?" I turned to him.

           "Why are you with Barba?" He asked. I looked at Rafael grinning.

            "Because he makes me laugh," I walked away all giggly.

            I went back to work.


It was late and I still hadn't gone home yet. It was me and a few other guys still at the office. I wanted to go home but I'm afraid to pass their group alone.

I picked up my phone. I called Raf.

           "Hola Tesoro," I could hear him smile.

         "Hi honey. Are you still at work?" I bit my lip.

         "I'm just getting out now. Why?"

         My door opened and one of the guys came in. My heart started racing.

         "I was just wondering if you could um, pick me up from work," I mumbled.

         "I'm sorry what was that?" He sighed.

        "Can you get me from work?" I whispered.

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