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"Okay, so he hasn't seen your breasts in like a month?" Marie asked. I nodded.

"Pretty much. I just don't think they look good and I'm just scared he'll look at me differently." I couldn't look at her.

"He won't. That man loves you so much, if it could save the world, it would." She smiled. "How about I see them?"

"I really don't want anyone to see them," I admitted.

"I won't judge. Your boobs are really perky and cute." She smiled.

"You're the first person who has complimented my breasts."

"Stop, he loves your breasts," she squeezed my hand.

        "You know what you should do, you should tell Rafael how much how much you like my breasts. He will never stop complementing them then. I like that idea a lot." I chuckled.

        "I don't want him to make you stop being friends with me. I don't want to cause another fight between you too." She spoke softly looking through me like she used to.

          "He will never get a say in who I'm friends in. If you were to make a move on me though, I'd be pissed and we wouldn't be friends. Can I ask why you wore them? It wasn't the one time. It was right before I got married, to the man I love."

           "I... I think I was in love with you. I wanted you. I wanted you to leave him and be with me, to tell me you loved me. I wanted to stand up during your wedding and say I love you the way you love me. But during your wedding is when I realized, you don't love me the way you used to. I passed that chance up. I passed up a chance to be with you and love you the way I wanted. You love Rafael and he loves you. I hated myself for sleeping with you. I felt like I got a taste and I wanted more. But that day, I said I can't. You moved on and I need to. I am happy for you. I am so happy for you, and I genuinely was happy when you got married. I spent nights in bars and that's when I found Steven. I love him. I'm really happy with him." She smiled.

          "You were in love with me?" I whispered.

         "Oh god I freaked you out. I shouldn't have told you." She was worried. I started laughing. I couldn't help it.

          "It's not funny. I'm flattered, truly I am. I just have dreamed of you telling me that so many times, yet... this is how it happens, when I'm married, and I don't love you. What was wrong with me when I told you I loved you? I want to be your friend, I don't want to let this get in the way. I won't if you won't." I looked into her eyes.

        "I won't. I won't start anything. I'm happy." She hugged me. "Do you think, that in another life we end up together? That we are happy?" She pulled away.

          "I think so. I think there is one where we are high school sweethearts, and I'm a writer, and we live in California. Then there's the timeline where you interrupt my wedding and I run with you. But we are in this time line, and my feelings have changed, so have yours. In another life we work, but not in this one. In this one, you rejecting me sucked, and I got through it. In this one, we are friends, and that's all we are going to be," I moved away from her. "Was I not good enough? Was I too far gone when you knew me in high school? Were you scared that I was just a psycho because of my dead boyfriend?"

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