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This week has been weird. I don't know how to explain or describe it, except by weird. It's like everything in my life has shifted one inch to the right, and it bugs me. I just don't know why it has been so weird.

"Colie, I think you're honestly a little bit paranoid." Rafael wouldn't look up from his book. I'm trying to talk to him about the way I feel, yet he's not really listening.

"Okay, I'm not trying to be an ass, but what you're doing right now, is why I keep things from you. You just sometimes act like you don't care. I have a weird feeling in my stomach, and it's been going on all week. Everything that's been going on in my life this week has been unexpected. Like Claire forgiving me all of a sudden, not that I'm not happy, it's just weird. She's a brat. She always has been."

"She could've finally woken the fuck up," he put his book down.

"Don't buy that, but what about the lady that stopped me on the street and told me not to go get tea, and just go to work. Come on how often do I listen to people like that? Had I gotten tea, I would've been hit by those crazy people who drove into the crowd," I shut my eyes.

Some terrorist, according to the news, drove into a crowd of people where I walk by every morning. I'm so thankful I wasn't there. Yet all I could think about was my motor cycle accident. I couldn't go through something like that again.

"Okay I'll give you that one. I'm thankful for that though. I couldn't live if something like that happened to you," he kissed the palm of my hand lightly.

"You and me both," I muttered. "Okay but what about my dad making my sister cry. That's never happened in her life."

"He made your sister cry?" He was suppressing a laugh.

"Stop it's not funny," I was trying not to laugh.

"It's a little bit funny," he laughed. I couldn't help but laugh too.

"It is. But it proves my point about this week. I promise you something bad is going to happen, or at least something major." I can feel it in the pit of my stomach.

"I think you need to take a deep breath. I think your sister finally realized she was being irrational. I think your dad made her cry because she is super sensitive right now. I think that lady just saved your life. I also think the judge who never lets you win, finally was in your favor because he realized you're right, and you're pretty fucking awesome," he planted a kiss on my lips.

"You think I'm crazy don't you?" I wanted to cry. He thinks I'm a fucking wack job.

"No. No I don't not. I think you're an anxious person, who is waiting for the worst to happen. I think your someone who needs to relax a little with her work, maybe take a day to herself. I think she also needs a hug," he held me close. I shut my eyes letting myself be comforted by him. He kissed my temple softly. "You're not crazy. You've been through a lot, so you expect the worst. Maybe this feeling means something good is about to happen for you," he rubbed my back.

             "I hope so." I sighed.

             "If you were, I'd let you know. I mean I'm not the most sane person either. You're not crazy."

             "I'm just scared that something bad is going to happen," I could help but feel such anxiety over this. I can't breathe.

          "Colie, take a deep breath. It's okay. Let's go for a walk. Not a long, just down the park, and back. Then I'll draw you a bath, while I cook dinner, and then we can watch Stranger Things, how does that sound?" He is the best.

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