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            "Yeah," I shut my eyes.

            "Please tell me you're joking."

"I'm not."

"What the fuck Nicole? You knew and you didn't tell me? You have to get rid of those, she fucking pranced around our house wearing them! You have to get rid of them and- and- and I don't want to see her any more!" He pissed me off.

"First of all don't play this you knew and didn't tell me card. You went out to find another woman to sleep with after we broke up! You didn't tell me for a year and made me feel like I cheated on you by sleeping with Marie! I don't care if you know! I'm not getting rid of them. They are mine and I like them," I got dressed.

"You really are going to be like this? She clearly wants control over you, or at least wants to get in your pants again." He got in my face.

"She doesn't! She has a boyfriend, and I am happily married! Unlike you that actually stops me from sleeping with other people!"

"I never have cheated on you! I never will. I love you too much to do that." He stepped back.

"The reason you have this fear is because you did it to someone else. I told her she can't do this bullshit anymore."

"Oh my god that's why she said you were acting like me." He groaned.

"Jesus Christ get over it! She took my panties and I got them back. Since were sharing I had a dream about her the other night, that's why I was turned on. You can't act like I'm the only bad guy in this situation! You slept with another woman and never told me. You made me feel so fucking guilty for sleeping with Marie. Did you sleep with that woman more than once?" I got in his face. He lowered his eyes.

"I don't see why that matters."

"It does to me. Did you?"


"Here, in our bed?" I was now more than ever.

"Once, yes," he looked down.

"I want to get rid of the bed then. I don't want to sleep where you fucked some whore!"

"Colie you shouldn't call someone-"

"I don't care! How dare you tell me how awful I am when you slept with another woman in our bed!" I screamed.

"She kept your panties, you knew, she taunted you with it, I think we are even! You're only so mad because you're doing this out of spite!"

"I can't stand you right now, I'm leaving," I walked out.

"Where are you going? To Marie?"

"Maybe I should. Get her to come home and fuck me in our bed."

"Where are you going Nicole?" He sounded panicked.

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