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I was in bed, tired. All I wanted to was sleep in, but of course, my mother called saying something was wrong with my sister. I wish I was moving with more urgency.

I think she's fine. My mom thinks she's having some sort of miscarriage, but I think she is just having some indigestion. I know my sister.

I got up and got ready. Rafael is still sleeping. It's fucking six in the morning.

"Cole, what's wrong?" He woke up.

"Something might be wrong with my sister," I had on a t-shirt, jeans and cardigan. He sat up.

"Give me five minutes and I'll come with you." He yawned.

"You don't need to come with me. It's nothing," I walked into the bathroom. I want to put on some make up.

"It's fine," he came into pee.

"Well you could've warned me that you're going to take an extra long piss," I rolled my eyes.

"Wow for as sexy as you look, you are in a bad mood," he yawned.

"I said you didn't have to come with me." I went downstairs. I made him coffee and me tea. We got going. He sat in the passenger seat quietly. It's weird. He's not usually quiet, but it's fucking early.

We got to the hospital and found my mom.

"You should be more worried," my mother lectured me.

"She's fine. I know my sister." I yawned. Rafael grabbed my hand. I leaned against him.

"You know, you are in a public setting," my father sat across from me.

"What's your point?"

"You shouldn't be showing so much public affection."

"He's my husband."I shut my eyes.


"I think it's funny that it's six in the morning, and you're lecturing me. My sister is in the hospital and you're lecturing me." I sighed.

"You're not distressed about it." I could hear the eye roll in my mother's voice.

"Maybe I am torn up about it, and you guys are just being mean about it."

"Please we've never been mean to you," my mom snorted.

I opened one eyed. Even my dad was giving her a look.

"Stop it. Don't start this argument, you have been and you know it. You both have admitted to it, don't lie. Just stop, and maybe be nicer."

"You want me to get you more tea?" Rafael asked.

"Please. You make it the best," I smiled, he kissed my head. "Where are the kids?"

"Todd's parents are in town watching them. Todd is coming home right now." My dad explained.

Finally my sister came out, saying she was fine. It was just severe heart burn.

Rafael and I went home, so I could get changed in sweats. I also would love to take a nap.

"Cole can I take nap with you?" Rafael climbed in bed next to me.

"I'd be offended if you didn't join me. Why can't I stop being such a dick to my family?"

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