In Another Life

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Rafael's POV

          I have this sinking feeling in my stomach, that something is going to go wrong. I know it's something between Colie and I.

            I am terrified that she will break up with me. I know that she doesn't love me anymore. She is distant, and she won't tell me she loves me. I want to cry. I just want to fix this. I need to fix this. How the fuck do I go about this?

Nicole's POV

            I was in my class, facing this girl, who pisses me off, every time I step on the mat. I tightened my gloves, and took a swig of water.

           "I want a fair, clean fight. I know you both can do that," the instructor said.

            "Let's go," I tapped our gloves together.

             The bell rang, and she went for a punch. I dodged it and kicked her in the ribs. She clutched her side. I punched her in the face. I kept punching and kicking. I saw blood and kept going.

             "That's enough," the bell rang. I didn't stop. "I said that's enough!" The teacher tore me away. "I'm sick of you doing this Nicole. You are no longer welcome here, or else I'll call the cops."

            "Fine," I walked away. I got my things and went home.

Rafael wasn't home yet, which is a huge relief to me. I didn't want to see him. I showered and ate something.

"Hola, Tessoro," he walked through the door, and my skin crawled.

"Hi," I nodded.

"How was your day?" He took off his jacket.

"It was good. How was yours?" I wanted him to leave me alone.

"It was long, but it was pretty good," he kissed my head.

"Good I'm glad. How's your case going?" I didn't want to be mean, but sometimes I just come off across as rude and unkind. I still love him, but I can't be with him. I see his dad, and the nightmares came back after he was so aggressive with me.

"It's going well. I mean well and kind of not well. I have the evidence but it can go either way. This photographer rapes these women and they go with it because they want a career in the fashion industry. It's awful," he sat next to me eating.

"That's the way the world works. People take advantage of others, then control their lives. The world is a shitty place," I got up.

"Are you okay? You seem a little off." He gave me that look. It always roped me in, and made me feel bad for him.

"I'm fine." I sat next to him.

"You sure, you know we can talk about anything," he rubbed my thigh.

"Yes I know. But there's nothing to talk about so case closed Counsellor." I smiled.

He went in for a kiss, and all I wanted to do was scream.

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