I'm glad that she's moving on. Larcade and her were always close since their teen years. Mira is helping Brandish with her chemistry lab, mixing all these chemicals into tubes and such. They're having fun while at it.

Mira is also leaning in to being a homeschool teacher for Salvador and Nashi, and to the future kids. Kagura suggested it to her for her daughter, who is two years old. Her name is Alia.

"Hey, what are you teaching yourself?" I ask Mira, who is sitting on the table with a bunch of papers and notebooks.

"I'm currently learning mathematics. I know how to do math but I simply just forgot. I'm remembering how the methods go in solving things and what these signs mean. Pi is 3.14 and I'm teaching myself the process of division, the decimals, fraction, algebra, and geometry. But calculus is a bit difficult for me." Mira explains, and I raise my eyebrows.

"How are you doing this all by yourself? You're so smart, Mira! I've gotten my knowledge by reading books, but I didn't graduate school at all. You must have paid attention in school." I said, shocked to see papers filled with numbers, lines, and shapes.

"Yeah, I actually wanted to become a teacher when I was older. But life didn't wanted me to be a teacher so I became a hit-woman. Oh, how time has changed." Mira says, and I chuckle.

"You would have made an amazing teacher, Mira. I'm sure my kids will love you. Thank you for doing all of this. I appreciate it." I said.

"You're very welcome, Lucy! Plus, I actually like children so it won't be a problem at all. But, I want you to do something once the children are at age in learning. Can you at least enroll them into a school so they can know how to socialize with people and make their lives a little bit normal? Salvador and Nashi would want to make a friends in school, don't you think?" Mira offers.

"That is true. Sure, I'll enroll them into a school. But if things go wrong and they don't go the way I want them to...I'll have them be homeschooled with their teacher being Miss Mirajane Strauss!" I announce, and she laughs.

"Sure! So, how are you feeling? It's been five months now. How is your pregnancy?" Mira asks.

"Ugh, it's a pain. I've been getting backaches, heartburn, chest pain, and I have never been this swollen in my entire life. But, I guess it's all going to be worth it once my kids are born." I say, sitting down next to her carefully.

My belly has been growing big lately, especially with two babies inside of the womb. Natsu has been overprotective about the organization and me. He told Jellal to reinforce the security around the house and every time I need to leave, he always either accompanies me or has our people come with.

It's a bit annoying, but I got used to it. Just four more months until Salvador and Nashi are born. I haven't met them but I already adore them.

"Have you been feeling any kicks?" Mira asks, continuing to write down lessons.

"A few, actually. The first one was when Natsu and I were laying down in bed, really exhausted, and I suddenly felt two kicks. I told Natsu and he got really happy and slept with a smile on his face. There were other days as well."

"I'm so happy for you. Have you decided on the godmother and godfather?"

"You, actually. You're going to be the godmother. And I was thinking of having Larcade be the godfather, but...I guess not anymore. I'm not sure about the godfather. I was thinking of Gray but I still need Natsu's opinion." I said, feeling a bit stressed.

"Don't stress. I'm sure you'll find a solution. And I'll be happy to be the godmother of your kids. Can I be the godmother of Salvador? I always wanted to have a little boy roaming around here."

"Sure! But who is going to be the godmother of Nashi? Ugh, this is too stressful!"

"Erza. She was always fond of children as well. I'm sure she'll be happy being a godmother to Nashi."

"I still have to talk to her. But it's good enough! Anyways, I'll leave you be, Mira. I have to go and attend some calls with Kagura and Ichiya who won't stop pestering me in delivering him some of my merchandise in exchange for huge money. I'm honestly so tired in being in this organization. I wish I could retire." I said, standing up from the chair.

"What did you say?" Natsu asks, coming from down the hallway.

"Oh...it's nothing. I just said that I wish I could retire from this business. It's honestly stressing me out." I said, as he helps me walk.

"I understand the work being pressured on you, Luce, but you can't retire. No one in this kind of business can retire."

"I know that. But I'll come up with a solution. Thank you anyway for walking me. I'll be fine here." I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.


Retirement...is it possible to retire from this business?


Hello, Nashi and Salvador


So, I'm thinking about doing like a second season of this story. Like a second book of it! We've finally reached to 50 chapters and I'm so happy about it. I might do a second part of this but I'll need you guys' opinion on it.

Should I do a second story of this? I think I will.

I'll probably finish it by the 60th chapter or so. :)

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