He was wearing a black-leather jacket and a white t-shirt I could see under it. He seemed to be so rock’n’roll. But rebels did not have their place in my… I mean in my mother's company. He put his hands on the keyboard of his laptop and seemed to work back.

“Go out.” I said. It was the first time I was soft with him, as I felt tired of yelling at him.

“I can’t. I have planned all your day.” He said as he kept typing on his laptop. He seemed busy with… what he was doing. I was astounded at his confidence.

I walked over to him and reached the wooden desk. I saw again tight-black jeans when I got behind him. I looked at the screen, he was on a new dossier.

“What did you do?” I asked, getting interested, however I shouldn't be discussing.

He looked up at me and smiled with satisfaction. I only raised my eyebrows to demand him the information. So he understood and stopped typing, stopping the clicks at the same time. The desk was a total mess, unlike with Anne behind it. Men would never be clean.
I rolled my eyes. He lifted a folder up and handed the pile of papers to me.

“What is this?” I intertwined my hands on my back, not wanting to take it at once.

“The report of the video-conference between your mother and Yaser Malik.” He informed as he kept handing me the papers.

Seeing my hesitation, he smiled. He put the papers forward, almost forcing me into taking them.

“How did you--”

He suddenly got up. He was too close to me. He was tall, and I was facing his lips even if I was on my high shoes. I blocked my breathing as he towered me. But I faced him. I faced him for Mum’s sake.

“Look and listen to me,” He said as he pressed the folder on my chest, hurting me a bit. I backed up a few centimeters. His confidence actually made a fear in the pit of my stomach. Who could guess how he would react? He was imprevisibe. “I told you I can work for you.”

“You are not the one who gives the orders here.” I said to him, taking the papers into my hand.

“You are not either.” He said, sliding back onto his chair, reminding me I wasn't the real boss. I still was under another person who was my mother. He was about to type back on his keyboard when he suddenly looked up. “And sorry for confusing you with your mother, you look old.”

I glared at him, the frown on my forehead becoming more visible. I chose to give a quick glimpse at the papers he has typed. The first page was written in black ink, clean, the font was clear; it was a careful work. I began walking to my office while reading the first lines when I heard him say:

“So let’s make this deal, Eve.”

My ears did not like how my name sounded when he pronounced it. He was too familiar, which I totally disliked from a man that I met the day before and that I rejected out of Sethi's. I mean the only one who said my name these last days was Lens. Even my mother did not call me with my name often.

“Who gave you the permission to call me that?” I asked him.

“It is a beautiful name, why wouldn’t I say it?”

I felt warmth seizing my whole body. It was compliment, wasn’t it? I blushed. I never blush that easily. This man had a different way of acting with me. He was not the same as Lens or Karl… the only men I had a real and continuous contact with. Even if Lens often complimented me about my dress, my make-up, I did not pay attention. I always had to ignore Lens. He was annoying.
But for some unknown reasons, this man was incredibly interesting to listen to. His raspy voice always called for attention and his words were always surprising.

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