"We are not a family." Grant says.

"So Jacob's not your family?" Samantha asks.

Grant didn't say anything.

"Yeah that's what I thought."

I hear someone walk away.

I go in a stall. Wow me and Grant really need to talk. Who's Jacob? Why does Grant go over Samantha's house every weekend? I need answers.

The rest of the day went by in a blur, I just needed to talk to Grant.

At the end of the day, I walk outside toward his BMW. Grant is already siting in it, and he looks like he's going to punch something.

I get in.

"Hey Chr"

"We need to talk." I interrupt him.

Grant doesn't look surprised, but he doesn't say anything either.

"I heard you talking to Samantha today." I say.

"How much did you hear?" He asks wearily.

"Enough. Now, who's Jacob? And why do you go to Samantha's house every weekend?"

Grant sighs, and looks at me.

I hear the voice in my head say 'Listen with my love and acceptance.'

'Alright ABBA' I say grateful GOD is here during this.

I look at Grant, I'm trying to convey love and acceptance through my eyes. "Just tell me."

Grant runs his hand through his hair. "Before we started dating, Samantha and I were in a relationship." Grant says with a bit of disgust.

"Why were you so nervous to tell me you have an ex-girlfriend?" I ask him.

"Because that's not it. Christen, Samantha and I have a son."

UMM WHAT? Grant has a son? With Samantha? How? Why? I can't believe this! Is he pulling a early April Fools prank on me?

Get it together Christen, remember what GOD asked of you.

"Why did you wait this long to tell me?" I ask calmly, which surprises me greatly.

"I don't know, but I'm really sorry I did." He says honestly.

I sit there and try to process this all. Grant has a son. Grant has a son. What does Grant have? A son! Grant keeps looking back at me, waiting for a response. After about a minute I give him one.

"Well if you're expecting me to break up with you, I'm not going to." I smirk.

He turns his head to me in disbelief. "You're not mad?"

"Why would I be? We're all human, and this happened before we were together. I'm just shocked."

Grant smiles wider than I ever seen him before. "You are incredible, you know that?"

I blush. "Yeah, I know."

"I really didn't want you to find out this way. I wanted to tell you on my own time, not because you overheard it." He says regretfully.

"You were trying to tell me on Friday." I point out.

"Yeah I was. But after that Durk guy interrupted, I couldn't bring up the nerve to try and tell you again. But it doesn't even matter, because you should have known months ago." He tightened his jaw.

I forgive Grant, I truly do. If I was in this situation, I would probably do the same thing.

"It's ok. Did you know Samantha was going to our school?" I ask.

"No. I knew she was going to a new school, but I didn't know it was ours." Grant looked pissed.

"She's not a pleasant Baby mama is she?" I joke to lighten the mood.

Grant laughs. "She's the worst. She uses Jacob in anyway she can to get money. I already give her 10,000 dollars a month, which is well over what she's suppose to get."

"Ten thousand dollars!" I screech.

He chuckles. "Yeah. I want him to have enough money for savings, and extra fun stuff I know she can't afford. But even after all that she still wants more."

I smile. "Your a good Dad."

"Thanks. I wish I could be better, but Samantha is just so unbearable to be around."

"Why?" I ask amused.

"For one, she has this sick dream we are going to get back together, so she's constantly making moves on me. Secondly, she always wants money. She actually stole a $20 dollar bill from my wallet on Saturday. Third, she's just disgusting and crazy. I don't know why I ever went out with her."

This was weird. Samantha was pretty, and looked like she had it together. I never would have pegged her as a crazy and disgusting thief. I guess this is why they say never judge a book by it's cover.

I laugh. "What about Jacob?"

Grant smiles. "He's pretty awesome, which means he's nothing like his mother."

"You know you're going to have to be nice to Samantha, right?"

"I am nice." I give him a disbelieving look. "What? I didn't call the police on her when she stole from me." Grant says.

I roll my eyes, and change the subject. "I would love to meet Jacob sometime. How old is he?"

"9 months."

"Perfect! He could have playdates with Caleb and Arianna!" I say excitedly.

"Yeah, we should do that." He grins.

I really feel like everything is going to be alright. ABBA definitely had a big hand in this whole thing.

"GOD really came through for me." Grant says quietly after a few seconds of silence.

"How?" I ask interested.

"I asked him to let you magically be ok with all of this."

I smile, remembering what ABBA requested of me on Grant's behalf.

"He definitely prepared me for your news. He's so great!" I tell him.

"Since I met you, I see that more and more each day." Grant says.

I blush. "Good, that means I'm doing my job."

He laughs. "I'm glad I didn't loose you Christen."

"Please." I wave my hand in the air. "GOD gave me a thick skin when it comes to you. Your obnoxious personality didn't scare me, and your size didn't scare me. Why would the fact that you have a cute little baby scare me?"

"Hahaha." Grant says unamused.

I laugh. "What I'm trying to say, is nothing can keep me away from you."

"I guess it's the same for me. If your wild siblings, and your awful table manners didn't keep me away, it's safe to say I'm not going anywhere." Grant says with a smirk.

I slap his arm, and we both burst out laughing.

By the grace of GOD, we drive happily to Christian Worth.



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