108. Princess Aura x Crazy Male Reader

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Tenchi muyo war on geminar is owned by Masaki Kajishima.

This was requested by sabastianRitchey. Have fun reading it!

(Y/N) - Your name.

(L/N) - Last name.

(E/C) - Eyes color.

(H/C) - Hair color



    (L/N) family moved to the Country Shurifon before (Y/N) was born, and his parents was rich traders. It was only matter of time when they gained political power, and friends in country of Dark Elves.

    Next they had child, boy named (Y/N). It was their only one descendant, because they decided to fully focus on politics and business. It was sad, because they had very little time with their child. (Y/N) of course had amounts of maids, and butlers, but still his mind took it hard seeing his real parents rarely.

    He started lonely life not caring about anyone. Some of (L/N) family said that he was crazy, because his own experiments. They don't understand what he wanted to achieve without anyone help, and accepted being little crazy.

    Once when (Y/N) was ten years old his parents took him to the King Shurifon house for of course business and politics meeting. He was bored. (Y/N) decided to walk out to the gardens of the castle, and then to the forest.

    His parents don't saw his dissapereance, and it was only noticed by young princess Aura Shurifon that learned from his father to meet their son. She was preparing in her room when they come to their home, and it took some time for her to get ready.

    King of course ordered his two bodyguards use Seikijin's to find him. Aura wanted to help them, and with cute face she won her father acceptance. It wasn't surprise to anyone that princess found him. Young mind works different from older, and she guessed where he could go.

    She found a boy in her age on the branch, and playing on the flute. Aura looked at him, seeing his (H/C) hair shining in the light, and his (E/C) eyes with something melancholic inside them. There was also beutifull melodic played by him.

    The young princess approached him, and waited for him to end his melody.

Aura: Hello I'm Princess Aura Shurifon...

    He jumped down from the tree, and stood in front of her. Aura blushed little not to expect him to be that close to her. Then he took her hand, and kissed it making young girl now blush tomato red.

(Y/N): Hmmmm... Interesting, I saw people doing it, but you seem to not like it. I'm (Y/N) (L/N) nice to meet you princess.

    Young man turned, and now with his back to her start searching something in the grass. She looked at him not knowing what to think about him. She heard some of the people saying that he is crazy kid, but doesn't believed it.

Aura: What are you doing?

(Y/N): I want to experiment with something else... While you don't like kiss on the hand, maybe then... Aha! Here it is.

    He picks up something, and slowly turned to her with his hands holding strange mushroom. Her eyes widened remembering how her dad showed her some of them, and how expensive they are.

(Y/N): Uhm, it's not flowers, but still in my eyes this is looking pretty good.

    Young man gave her mushroom with little smile, while Aura having conflicted feelings, and thoughts about him.

Females x Male Reader vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now