57. Salem x Evil God of Destruction Male Reader

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RWBY is owned by Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth.

This was requested by TomRistenbieter. Have fun reading it!

(Y/N) - Your name.
(L/N) - Last name.
(E/C) - Eyes color.
(H/C) - Hair color



   What God of destruction want? Chaos? Evil plans? Love. Yes. Evil God of Destruction named (Y/N) (L/N) wanted love. He was tired of being alone, and searched for woman that will be just as evil as him.

   This took very long for (Y/N) to find any candidate that will be enough evil, and bringing destruction to world that will be good for him. Finally, his eye caught one. Her name was Salem.

   She is a very mysterious figure in Remnant, but evil as hell, she even looks hot for (Y/N). Salem skin is a deathly pallor, covered with deep red and purple veins that run up her arms and face. The sclerae of her eyes are jet black and her irises glow red, even brighter when she is agitated. She has a black diamond-shaped marking in the center of her forehead.

   Salem wears a very long black robe with red designs resembling eyes. She also wears a ring resembling an insect on her right index finger. She has white hair formed into a bun with six offshoots from which ornaments are suspended.

   (Y/N) now was planing how to approach said woman, and try to get her to love him. He knew for sure that she will be impressed by his power, and this was something from where their relationship can start and grow to full love.

   He was also intrigued by her intelligence, and everytime (Y/N) was using his powers to spy a little on her she was working very hard with plans. It was very entertaining to watch how Salem mind works, and he just learned more and more about her.

   Finally, after two months (Y/N) decided that it is time for her and him to met for first time, and he wanted to see how she will react to him as God. Well, this will be funny, and destroy some plans.




   Salem was in her room on the bed thinking about next moves, after events with Cinder killing Pyrhha. Her plans still was going on, but need to slow down now. She needed some time to recover her vital powers, while White Fang was rebuilding.

   Then in her room someone just showed from nowhere. She looked at this (H/C) hair, and (E/C) eyes guy with surprised face.

Salem: You have ten seconds to told me who are you, and then you will be executed.

   (Y/N) smiled to her, and first time in Salem long life she felt some warmness inside, that make her eyes got bigger.

(Y/N): Huh? You want to try fight with God of Destruction? I'm really impressed Salem.

Salem: God of Destruction? Interesting... You may stay here for little talk then, but watch for every word that leave your mouth...

   He slowly sat next to her, while she was looking at him with something strange in eyes. Man just sighed looking at her again.

(Y/N): Well, you probably think why I'm here? Answer is here. I'm searching for love, and you are person that match my needs...

   Her eyes got even bigger, and now some pink color was showed on her pale cheeks. What!? He is trying to get me as his lover?

Females x Male Reader vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now