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"Babe can you silence your phone please?"

With my back to him, I tried to get the last of my sleep in before baby Aug woke up but his phone wasn't letting me be great.


Flinging my hand behind me, I hit the bed rather than him. Turning over, I realized I was in bed alone.


"Aug!" I called thinking he was probably in the bathroom but he wasn't.

Realizing I wasn't going back to sleep now, I sighed laying on my back. Staring at the ceiling, I grew annoyed. Snatching up his phone, I went over into the nursery thinking he was there but he wasn't neither was the baby.

Becoming more alert, I jogged downstairs to see if they were in the house, only to realize it was just me.

"Where the hell did you go?" I questioned. "And you left your damn phone home."

Trying not to get too anxious, I took a couple breaths and exhaled as I made my way back upstairs. Changing out of my night clothes, I got into the bathroom and did my morning routine.

"Where are you?" I sighed as I lotioned myself.

Deciding to call Travis when I did made no sense because he and Smoke had left the house before they saw Aug and Jay wasn't answering his phone.

"Don't panic Mist, I'm sure they're okay." I took some breaths.

Pressing my grandmother's number, I put it on speaker phone as it rang.

"Good morning sweet heart."


"Misty are you okay?" She asked concerned.

"Aug has the baby but I don't know where they are, he left his phone home. Jay isn't answering his. Travis and Smoke didn't when they left and I'm worried now."

"Misty calm down love. I'm sure they are fine. You know August wouldn't let anything happen to y'all son."

"Yes but he could have told me something. Baby Aug is only a month old. We were suppose to take him to get his shots today."

"Misty just relax. I'm sure they just went for a walk or something. Go have breakfast and leave that man to bond with his son, he's always with you anyway."

"But grandma?"

"Sylvia, come get your daughter please! She's tapping on my last nerve."

"Really Grandma?"

"It's the truth. You're acting like if the child was kidnapped."

"Who was kidnapped?" My mother appeared.

"No one." I sighed.

"Misty is freaking out because August went somewhere with the baby and forgot his phone home."


"Mommy please don't."

"I'm not sweet heart. I just want you to calm down. Take deep breaths."

Doing as I was told, I began to calm down.

"You good honey?"


"Okay. Now listen to me. August is more than capable of being with that little boy by himself give him that."


FaithOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora