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"So how you been love?"

Entering our villa, we were greeted by Chaylin.

"I've been great TeTe." She hugged me. "Hey uncle Aug."

"Wazzamin baybeh." They hugged. "Ya good?"

"Mhmm. Just like I told TeeTee." She laughed.

"That's what I like ta hea. Ya been taking care of our place?"

"What you think?" She laughed.

Its been almost two months since she's been out here and I must admit, she looked so at peace.

"I don't think we've formally met." She turned to Jay and her siblings. "I'm Chaylin."

"Jayda and these are my brother and sister, Jelani and Dajah and my son Malik."

"He's a cutie huh?" She tickled him making him laugh.

"So Dajah, its your birthday right?"

"Yup." She nodded. "Twelve years today."

"Enjoy it. Nai Nai."

"I was wondering when you would get to me." She rolled her eyes.

"Uncle Aug I see your attitude is still in ha." She laughed.

"Nah, that's ha momma."

"Whatever." I sucked my teeth.

Walking to the rooms, everyone got settled in.

"Eva did you call your mother?"

"Oh crap." She got her phone.

"You know how she gets, why do you test her." I laughed.

"I like to hear her argue." She smirked.

"I'll hear about you and her." I laughed.

Walking into the kitchen, I checked to see what it had in stock.


"Yea babe?" I looked at Nai.

"Can we go ta tha beach?"

"Yea, y'all go ahead, just be safe."

"We will."

Running off, they went and got changed while I walked around some more. Going into the fridge, I spotted some jello and decided to get me one.

"Ya know this ma favourite position right?"

Feeling him press up against me I laughed as I stood up straight.

"Ouu." I let out before holding my belly.

"Ya good ma?"

Aug's entire mood shifted from playful to seriously.

"Yea I'm fine." I exhaled rubbing my belly.

"Nah yeen fine. Come lay down." He held my arm.

"Babe I promise, I'm good."

"Aight but I still want ya come lay down with me. I'm tired from that flight and I know ya are too."

Knowing I wasn't going to get out of it, I just went with him. Changing out of his clothes, I sat and watched as I ate my jello.

Once he was finished, he got into bed and exhaled. I knew he was more tired than me even though I was pregnant.

Aug worked just as hard as I did on a daily basis. The difference between us was that I had rest days, he didn't unless he wanted to take them and that was rarely.

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