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"Happy Birthday too youuu!!!"

I instantly began to laugh when Aug and Nai walked into our room singing to me.

"Happy BIRTHDAYYYY dear momma!!!" She sang loudly.

Aug then tried to out sing her and she stopped.

"Daddy stop, you're killing it." She shot him down.

"Lah girl, who tha singer in hea."

"Well clearly ya got by on ya looks." She scrunched up ha face. "Morning momma. Happy birthday." She left Aug and came and lay next to me.

"I'll remember that when its time fa Christmas shopping. Morning sweet face." He kissed me.

"Nooo! I didn't mean that!"

"Mhmm now yeen mean it huh, well too late fa ya."

"So what do we have here?" U asked trying to change the topic.

If I left them, they would go on and on.

"Well I began making breakfast but then dad came in and took over." She mumbled.

"Babe?" I looked at him.

"Ya gon balee that lah scam. She ain't did a thing but sat on tha counter tryna give me instructions."


"Huh?" She avoided eye contact.

"Quit messing with ya dad"

"Fine! But I did help."

"Yea like pouring tha orange juice is help" he mumbled.

"MMMM! Everything smells so good!" I said loudly.

"So we got, a lah bit of eggs..." Aug began.

"We save some for us." Nai cut in.

"We got some bacon..."

"Save some of that for us too."

"Pancakes, sausages and fruit."

"We left back for us too." Nai concluded.

"Nah princess tha fruit finish."

"You ate all?"

"I was hungry. Shit cooking all this fa ya momma and not eating made a nigga hungry."

I sat in the middle of both of them as they went back and forth bout food now.

"How about." I stopped them. "I go wash up and meet y'all downstairs for breakfast and then we can eat like the crazy family we are." I laughed.

"Ok!" Nai hopped up and left.

"Anything fa you ma."

"Thank you babe."

Shaking my head as I walked to the bathroom, I paused when I saw the sight before me.

Walking in, I couldn't help but smile seeing all the rose petals and lit candles around. As I approached my sink, a not was stuck to the mirror.

"Just to start off your day right with some aroma therapy❤ - Aug!"

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