[42] Secrets

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We arrived at Charlotte's home after we gathered some stuff.

And then I saw them in my vision.

"What are you doing here?" I shrieked.


"What are you doing here?" I repeated.

"Came to fetch you guys."

"We're not going."

"If the Volturi finds out your gone-"

"Wait. Volturi? who are those guys?" Olivia cut in

"The vampire committee." Steven answered

I slapped him.


"she's a human idiot!"

"We got to go."

"Fine. Nathan, Charlotte are you coming?"

"They can't come they're hu-" Ella said

"Nathan Ford? Charlotte Ford?"

"Yes why what's your problem with them?"

Steven faced them and looked shocked. What's up with them? Why are they so jumpy?

"Charlotte and Nathan Ford?!"

"Do you know us?" Nathan said

"How wouldn't I know you guys, your a member of the Volturi."

We all gasped of what we heard. Member of the Volturi? How can this be.

"Why didn't you guys tell us?"

"I thought you would be afraid."

"Why would we be afraid?"

"The name Volturi says it all."

"Let's just go." Steven cut in


They're taking us back to the academy, after fucking 6 years of staying and the human world, and then I'm coming back there?


Hope they don't find out more about my secret or I'm dead.

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