[35] While Then

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What the? Eric's missing too? Ugh that Janeia has gone to far she couldn't just drag MY OWN BROTHER in her personal life, they're not even together and the worst part maybe Eric is totally tempted because she's totally inlove with Janeia.

Eric is totally messed up ugh. Why is he so jumpy over Janeia?! This is ruining his life ugh.

"Ella?" Domn called out


"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing why?"

"You looked worried."

"I-it's about E-Eric"

"Oh, I was thinking otherwise."



"Please, why would I care about her?"

"I-I thought she was your bestfriend."

"She was."

"What happened?"

"Remember what she did, she refused about saving me and she's a slut."

"She isn't a slut, and she's just trying to help me."

"Help? What kind of help?"

"Can't you see? She's trying to help us."

"Guess the help your in wasn't planned with me."


"No Domn enough, she's getting in our heads, she's pathetic."

"We're pathetic please just understand."

"No. You understand! I'm not getting brainwashed because of her."

"Ella, please." He begged

"I'm sorry Domn. Im Sorry."

I left and tears draw on my face and I wasn't watching where I was going

"Ow." He growled.

"Oh, I'm sorry I don't know where I was going and my head is so blurred-Steven?"

"Hey Ella."

"Hey." I dried my tears up

"It's ok, you-ah want to sit and maybe talk about it?"

"Is it ok?"


"What's wrong?"


"Oh, you want to talk more?"

"No." I cried once more.

"It's ok."

As I cried and cried, he kissed me in the cheek, wiped my tears and maked me lay down on his shoulders.

Should I love him back already?

I'm so confused.

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