[6] Payback

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I can't believe that my bestfriend is my ex asshole boyfriend. I just can't go through with this, this is just to much. First Domn and Ella, Second him, Third the coronation. I have so much going on my life now, I can't handle it I'm only a person but first have to deal with that asshole jerk. It's my biggest problem.

I went to the clinic to check on John, I miss him so much. Wait, just to be clear I don't have feelings for him I just feel comfortable when I'm with him, I feel safe around him and he's the only one I can count on,

It's hard to trust people these days, it's like they have a two sided face, when your around they're nice they you, but when you turn around what assholes!

Domn and Ella didn't even say they were dating and they were already a couple. Ugh! It's so disgusting! Domn, he's my brother I could always trust him but what they did was totally unacceptable! Ella, she's my Bestfriend and I never hid anything from her.

Steven, I thought he's the one I can trust because he's the one who saved me from Strigois and I have a bond with him.

Well, I guess not. Everything is uncertain.

"John!" I greeted with a smile


"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm good" he paused "Your brother came"

"And?" I said while opening the chocolate

"H-he asked about you."

"Wow, I never thought he cared" I said as I chewed the chocolate

"He does"

"Nope, not according to my dictionary"

"Why not?"

"As far as I can remember he and Ella lied to me"

"Can't you forgive him?"

"I don't know, he hurt you and lied to me, should I?

"It's up to you"

"Thanks John" I said as I gave him a peck on the cheek "I'll just do something." and then I left.

I'm planning something big before I can forgive, payback is my solution. I'm doing it to Steven later at night when he's asleep. I'm sure he'll be surprised of what I'll do.


I can't break his heart because I still love him and I don't know if he still haves feelings for me, so I can't do that, instead I'll just play a dirty little prank.


I was spying on him so that if the plan works terrible I'll get to laugh my heart out.

I saw him waking up, yawning. He's still so cute, I slapped myself, ugh what am I thinking? but he's still so cute.

He was wearing a fit top and like jersey shorts and his hair was so messy, but he look really cute and handsome. I stared at him even more, i didn't really noticed that he looked back at me.

Sh*t, Why do my feelings have to ruin everything?! Oh crap he's coming, what do I do?

I just hid in the bushes

The next thing I knew is he fell for my prank, he had chocolate fall all over him, in his clothes, face and everything. I laughed and ran I away

I got back to the clinic and looked for John, and there he was, he was discharged.

I grabbed his arms and puts it in mine.

"Hey guess what!" I said

"You played a trick on Steven didn't you."

"Uhmmm... No."

"Yes you did."

"How did you knew?"

"You said to guess, and that was my guess"

"B-but it was the right- ugh."

We laughed and talked as we reached my bunk.

"That was really brave of you Janeia"

"That's it? only brave?"

"What do you want me to say? That your intelligent and I should have followed your footsteps because your a damn Moroi?"

"Yeah." I said with a smile "I want you to say all of those things"

"Ok bye Janeia"

I pouted and wrestled him, but he won.

"How did you do that? I almost had you!"

"Well probably I'm a Dhampir."

"Oh yeah, speaking of Dhampirs, why cant I see a girl one?"

"We don't have one."


"We have female Noviis' but we don't make them a Dhampir because we don't want to lose a female Moroi. Actually Ella is a Noviis."

"Ugh, Strigoi should kill her."

"I'm afraid she killed six strigois already."

"Wow. How many did you kill?"

"See these tattoos?"


"Well these counts as how many strigois you've killed."


He has tons of tattoos especially in his arms but he's still gorgeous.

I wonder how's Steven doing? Is he alright?

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