1.3 girl meets sneak attack

Start from the beginning

"I woke up. I love everything. I sat here." Riley said with a smile.

"All caught up. Googly time!" Cory said before he turned the small tv on.

"Here comes Mr. Googly and his foogly boogly friends. Hey!" Everyone exclaimed after Auggie turned the tv off.

"I'm too old for Mr. Googly." Auggie said before he went to the couch.

"What?—but Auggie, Mr. Googly is your best friend. Auggie, I'm your foogly boogly best friend." Topanga said as she carried Mr. Googly to the couch.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Auggie asked.

"Of course. You can tell Mr. Googly all your secrets." Topanga said.

"I have a new best friend now." Auggie said after he leaned closer to the stuffed animal.

"Really? Who would that be?" Topanga asked after she looked at everyone, who were still sitting at the table and watching the scene in front of them.

"I don't wanna tell you who she is." Auggie said before everyone looked at him.


"I said too much." Auggie said.

"Okay, why don't you tell Mr. Googly all about your new best friend and none of us will listen?" Topanga suggested before everyone looked away.

"I'm this many. I'm done with you now. Goodbye." Auggie said before he took Mr. Googly from Topanga and put him on the couch.

"They grow up so fast." Riley said before Maya and Amzie looked at her.

"I was so worried about this new school year. New school, new people. I didn't think I was gonna survive. Not only am I surviving, I'm thriving. I'm like a plant going like this. What was I so worried about?" Riley asked before Amzie looked into class to see Missy flirting with Lucas.

"M." Amzie said before Maya covered Riley's eyes.

"What are you doing? This is too easy. It's Maya. I know because I saw you put your hand over my face. I'll do you now." Riley said before she went to cover Maya's eyes.

"That's not the game." Maya said as she moved Riley's hand.

"What's the game?"

"The game is protect the plant from the bulldozer in the pink sweater." Amzie said after she and Maya shared a look.

"Z! Bulldozers don't wear pink—huh." Riley said before she slid down the lockers after seeing Lucas and Missy.

"Look what the bulldozer did to ya." Amzie sighed before she and Maya sat by Riley.

"There are other girls in this world." Riley said before the blondes nodded.

"There are."

"Other girls—like Missy Bradford—are gonna talk to Lucas." Riley said before the two nodded again.

"They are."

"I don't like that." Riley sighed as she looked at them.

"I know."

"I wish the world was just us three." Riley said before the two smiled.

"Then it is."

"Sneak attack. December seventh, 1941: a date which will live in infamy." Cory said.

"—a date? They're going on a date?—in Italy?" Riley asked as she looked at Maya and Amzie.

"No, honey. You're in history." Maya said.

"I'm history?"

"Okay, put your hand up." Amzie said before she lifted Riley's arm up.

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