RWBY Ruby Rose x Male Reader (Volume 5) Chapter 9.

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(Sorry for the long wait. Was enjoying a very nice vacation in California but then got a REALLY bad sickness that left me dead for a good long while. Moving past the worst part of the sickness I still feel a bit down so sorry about that. On the positive side I have a girlfriend now and I'm getting much better. So without further ado. Enjoy.)

(Finally found the problem. Should be up and working....the full part at least and not the old version where I was using a Transcript for the basis of the episode.)

(Volume 5) Chapter 9: The Family Reunion/Falling Apart.

(Merged Chapters 10 & 11 for this part.)

(Late at Night, Your POV)

You're just staring up at the emptiness that is your bedroom's ceiling. You wonder how Blake is doing, she must be doing something very boring compared to what you guys have been doing. Meh, you hope she's doing all right. All of a sudden Ruby bursts into your room, she seems very happy.

You:"Well what's got you all worked up?"

Ruby:"Qrow just told me that Professor Lionheart got the committee to help us on our quest to get the Spring Maiden! He wants us to come tomorrow night to work out the details. I told everyone else about this, they all seem pretty happy over this." At first you're filled with joy

You:"That's amazing Ruby!" You smile at her as she jumps onto the bed. You then start thinking about what Professor Lionheart said when they first talked to him..saying how it would basically be impossible to get their attention...and the fact they have no Huntsmen to spare...since Qrow went searching for all of them yet NONE of them turned up...this isn't may just be paranoid but there is something off here. "Did Qrow say anything else honey?" Ruby thinks for a moment.

Ruby:"No, nothing that was really important. But isn't this great!? We finally have something going right for us." She smiles as she scoots up and sits in your lap." She seems so tired, yet so fufilled at the same don't want to ruin this moment for her yet, You hold your tongue and not say anything against this VERY..wavering situation. Ruby sighs as she looks at you, you look down and stare into her beautiful eyes. "I'm glad things are finally going our way for once." That innocent smile makes you cloud your true thoughts about this situation as you kiss her on the lips. She smiles and gets up. "Welp I'ma shower. Bye love." She exits the room and now you are by yourself...well somewhat.

Luna(Sub):"This seems...very strange."

Cole(Sub):"I'm sure you've already know about how untrustworthy that Lion Faunus is, Chronicle?"

You(Sub):"He's a Faunus? Er- um yeah, he's definitely no Ozpin in terms of trust but...I don't know, would a man really risk so much just to save his own skin?"

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