RWBY (Volume 6) Chapter 6.

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(Author's Note: Howdy y'all, considering it has been uhhh SEVERAL years since I've last uploaded, I'm genuinely unsure if people will even still be interested in me continuing, even so, I still want to get to the end of this season at the very least as I feel it was really unfair of me to just leave the story right in the middle of this Volume for the ones who had the slight hope that there'd be a new chapter. As some of you may know, I really fell out of RWBY up until very recently when I decided to sit down and rewatch and catch up with every episode currently out at this moment. And while yes, I still have some gripes about the series, I still understand why I loved the world of Remnant so much while I was going through high school. Now then, that's enough venting. You'll probably notice the way I write will likely seem a bit different than how I used to write, I'm am trying to mimic how I used to write in a way but there's only so much I can do in that regard. Along with that, I'll admit I'm still rusty on the lore that I wrote myself for this book. So, if I forget an ability or a small plot element from previous chapters, feel free to remind me in the comments. Another thing to note is that reading back I definitely got a biiiit carried away with how STRONG the Chronicle is, Which to my younger self's credit did do a decent job explaining why they were really powerful, still do note that I'll be likely scaling down the strength of his powers just a bit. I reread [well skimmed through important sections I remember] the series so I definitely remember the big plot points I wanted to bring The Chronicle through, however, the original plan on actually getting there has been lost in my head but I've already conjured up a pretty good plan, now that I have a few Volumes to kind of anticipate what will happen in the story gives me the chance to set up a few ideas I have. Regardless, I will continue to do my best and ensure that I can deliver on something you all can enjoy reading. Thanks for everything, guys.)

RWBY Volume 6 (Chapter 6): An Ill Omen

Despite you putting what must be several dozen miles between you and that horrible farm, you still can't help but feel an odd sense of dread peering over your shoulder. The entire group saw those horrid lavender embers that escaped your eye and you simply know for a FACT that Qrow will have several questions for you, Raiden as well. You're frankly scared at this point to look into your own Soul to see what damage must've taken place within it when you got THAT close to completely losing it, Cole's been silent since then'll have to check up on him, there's no telling what could've happened inside your Soul at those last moments before Ruby decided to use her eyes to basically nuke the Apathy Grimm. The group has had enough bad news as it is, if someone ends up asking, you know you'll feel compelled to tell the truth fear how they'll end up seeing you, especially after the entire situation with Ozpin's and Salem's past being revealed being taken uh not so well, to put it lightly. All these thoughts have been rummaging within your head, and you're completely aware of the fact that Ruby has certainly noticed this shift in your behavior since retreating from those Apathy Grimm, she hasn't said anything just yet. For now, she sits by your side, attentively listening to Maria, occasionally glancing over at you. You've noticed your mind has trailed off from listening to Maria's story on how she lost her vision and her, apparently, extremely useful Silver eyes.

From what you've been able to tune into, she used to be quite the badass. Saying she took down down a Nevermore and several other Grimm just by staring at them really hard? You'd honestly think it'd be a bit hard to believe such a power actually exists if you hadn't watch your own girlfriend do it. That and just a few years ago you wouldn't have believed you had a mythical Leviathan that gave you your abilities...well at least she used to, so this doesn't seem that far out in terms of credibility. From glances you've had from around the wagon, you can tell Qrow in particular seems quite astounded by her. Especially with the revelation that this sweet looking (albeit very sassy) woman once was the Grimm Reaper, you've heard slight rumors from fellow classmates back in Beacon about the Grimm Reaper, but you never suspected that you'd actually meet her one day. She just finished wrapping up the story on how she lost her eyes to the hands of a crocodile Faunus and how she rather brutally dealt with her, you can't even imagine just how painful loosing your eyes like that must've been.

The Chronicle - RWBY Ruby Rose x Male Reader.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora