RWBY Ruby Rose x Male Reader (Volume 1) Part 9.

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(Heeeeeeyyy over 200 people have read this...I don't know what to say other than thank you for taking the time to read this...Hope you guys are enjoying it so far! I know that there must be Grammar errors here and there and maybe some confusing dialogue but thank you all either way. Have a nice day!...Or night since apparently, people in the Philippines and Indonesia are viewing this...uh...Enjoy!)

((Later Edit:"Grammar errors here and there", MORE LIKE EVERYWHERE PAST ME!, er uh move along, nothing to see here.)

(Volume 1) Part 9: An Unknown Burden (Part 2)

You slowly lift your eyes as the sun is shining directly in your face, you yawn not knowing of the massive bed head you have... (Oh though you have the freedom of Hair color...except pure white for story purposes...I really shoulda put this stuff in the beginning, my God...sorry...anyways your hair style is slightly long, goes down to your neck in the back and goes down to your forehead in the front, your hair is wavy and never stays down no matter what you try to do...if you ever watched My Hero Academia think of Izuku/Deku's hair)

You look to where Raiden is...or at least was as the bag is fear the worst and slowly glance at Yang's breathe out relieved to see that he is not there...though you wonder when that will happen since it's completely obvious they like each other now...especially Yang who enjoys tormenting him.

You look at Raiden's bag and see a note on it, the note reads 'Went out for a walk, didn't feel like waking you since it was 3 am...I'll be back.' You pick up the note and slowly sit up, you take off the bandage over your eye and feel that the headache is gone, you take out your scroll to see what time is it and see that it is 8 am. You feel your scroll buzz as a notification pops up with Ozpin sending you a message. The message reads 'We will be delivering extra beds later today to accommodate your room.' you feel relieved that you won't be having to sleep on a sleeping bag for the 4 years you're here.

You look around to see Ruby slowly waking up along with Blake and Yang. You notice all of them are staring at you...Ruby is trying her hardest not to laugh. You look at them confused

You:"...What is it?"

Ruby:"Um...your hair is kinda..."

You suddenly look at your scroll and look at your reflection in the scroll to see that your bed head makes your hair look essentially like a Super Saiyan's...

You:"JEEZ!" You then quickly get up and look at all of them...except for Weiss who is still sleeping somehow and Conjure your uniform in your hands

Blake:"Uh...I really hope you're not planning on changing in here...since we need to change as well"

You:"Oh um...I guess I'll in the bathroom..." You run out of the room

10 minutes later

You took longer since you decided to take a quick shower to make your hair less...Super Saiyan-like  and changed into your uniform...though you wanted to wear your regular clothes...though your fighting outfit is just a light blue jacket with a white shirt underneath and black sweatpants...But you looked at yourself in the mirror and see that it doesn't look that bad...You walk out of the bathroom and start walking back you look at your scroll to see that it's now 8:10 you go to knock on the door...but before you do you look around a notice...its oddly as if the entire school had shudder but knock on the door

You:"It's me it safe to come in or are you all still changing in there?"

There...was no open the door slightly and look in only to see the room completely black...the room was empty and you notice that your eye has begun emitting blue flames...though you didn't even activate your're wondering what's going on.

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