RWBY (Volume 6) Chapter 9.

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(Author's Note: Hey y'all, apologies for the delay on the release of this chapter. This chapter especially took me a bit to figure out how I want to go about doing some certain things. Just as a heads up this is where some changes will have to take place in order for my story to still work the way I envision, the main difference being that of Raiden and Yang already having an established relationship within this story. So uh, I apologize to all of the Bumblebee shippers and lovers, to be completely honestly I wasn't expecting it to actually become a thing in the show back when I first made this story around the time of Season 4 first coming out. In retrospect, if I had known this would actually become a thing I likely would've kept Raiden and Yang apart after his return buuuuut too late now. Regardless, it shouldn't hold too much significant weight on this fanfic considering this story revolves around primarily the Chronicle and Ruby rather than their siblings. I recognize that for later seasons that working my way around this will become more difficult for obvious reasons but I'll do the best with what I've got. Peace y'all)

RWBY (Volume 6) Chapter 9: Harrowing Thoughts

After a rather lengthy discussion and brainstorming session with everyone it seems you've all gotten a pretty solid idea for a plan that is honestly quite insane if you say so yourself, but considering all this group has gone through, it's to be expected at this point. You've split off into three teams, one consists of Weiss feigning that she's heading back home to Atlas while secretly actually having Maria be smuggled into her luggage. It was an idea that you came up with yourself from old spy movies you used to watch buuuut Maria was certainly not happy with the idea as she once again attempted to commit first degree homicide on you for the second time this week. 

Regardless, while they go and attempt to steal an Atlas airship from the Atlesian military base, Blake, Yang and Raiden all have headed to the comms tower and with Terra's guidance to help disable the radar. Meanwhile you, Ruby and the rest of the gang are all waiting by the coastline a few miles away from Argus. You initially had wanted to be a more involved part of the plan, hoping that you could use your warping abilities to attempt to sneak onto an Atlesian airship but you quickly realized with Solar's growing influence you should try to keep warping to an absolute minimum. You're all now waiting by a steep cliffside as Ruby, standing right next to you, begins to try to contact Weiss over the earpiece she had been given.

Ruby: "Is everything okay?"  

Maria(Earpiece): "-Call me heavy... It's all muscle! I'll show them a thing or two about heavy!" You just barely manage to hear the muffled voice of Maria in the background. You chuckle softly

Weiss(Earpiece): "We're on board." You and Ruby both breathe with a slight bit of relief hearing that it seems like everything went okay, the whole plan would have quickly fallen apart if they had gotten caught. Ruby gives you a hopeful look as you give her a small thumbs up. Ruby turns around to look at the rest of the team, you do so as well. You notice that Qrow's been an irritable mood, especially with you. You aren't sure if he's learned about what's been happening with you and Solar but it certainly feels like he did with how nearly hostile he's been. His eyes remained locked peering at you, with narrowed eyes.

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