RWBY Ruby Rose x Male Reader (Volume 5) Chapter 6.

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(Volume 5) Chapter 6:The Choice of a Brother/The Choice of a Sister/The End of Complications

(Raiden's POV)

I'm walking deep within the forest of Mistral with Watts, Mercury, Emerald and jolly old one would imagine she isn't exactly thrilled that I'm here, but I'm not exactly fond with her either despite her looks. Watts is far behind us, making sure no one's trailing, while Mercury and Emerald are scouting ahead...and Cinder's stuck with me...great...Solar keeps trying to take over me at times, it's getting stronger as everyday passes by as I'd thought as much. The damn Serpent takes advantage of my memory loss and replaces it with hers, slowly taking over my mind. But somethings will never fade, (F)'s memory in my head was nearly all lost until I saw him wielding my Kitsune and Shiro labeling himself as my father. Now I just feel bad, I'm going to have to kill my weak little brother one day, and for his sake, I'll make it painless...what's weird is that whenever I speak about...certain things, it triggers the Serpent side of me immensely, somehow speeding the destruction of my memories. I remember a little about my old team back in Beacon, I remember my mom Luna(Actual mother not Leviathan), my dad Ardyn, and...fondly remember most vibrant memory of her was the dance back at Beacon...gah I miss her...moving past her, I know that she has most likely moved on from me...and...I guess there's still humanity left in me, because that hurts really damn much...not like it's my fault. Things just snowballed out of control, and now my own Soul is being corrupted by an Ancient Mystical being...GAH the hell am I thinking, Salem said it herself, 'Don't let your emotions sway your judgement, or punishment will be severe' and severe they are. But there are times where I remember the days before I was caught up in a world changing revolution, I remember (F) being so skinny and small and having to train him so bullies wouldn't pick on him, mom making butterscotch pie every Friday, dad bonding with me while watching the Vytal Festival Tournament...and even after those days, seeing (F) on the way to becoming a man, him getting his own girl that was perfect for him, Blake always quiet yet compassionate, Weiss always being stuck up but cared for us, and...Yang...who took over my world with her damn ways of making your heart I said, I look back to those days...before all of this...and this...really what I want? I hear Solar laugh in my subconscious.

I look into my Soul to get her to shut up...but when I enter I see more purple veins surrounding my once purely blue soul, but now my Soul's emanating a faint lavender color in it's originally blue color...Solar towers over me, her fangs shining like sharpened knives, the spikes coming from the back of her head trail all the way down to her tail, her golden eyes look deep within me as her pupils constrict giving a sense of dread. Her black and blue body wrap around my area.

S̸̛͞ǫ͏̷̶͝l̵͜a̧͜͞ŗ̶̕͜(Sub):"Ah...sweetie, even if it isn't what you want...since when did you think you were in control?" She laughs demonically as I see her

Raiden(Sub):"Get. Out. Of. My. Head." She laughs as she morphs into a dark ball of light before coming out as a...almost perfect replica of Yang...but instead of her bright beautiful golden hair she has pitch black hair with blue highlights and her usual lilac and sometimes fiery red eyes are replaced with golden eyes with flecks of black within it. Solar walks towards me and grabs my jacket by the collar and pulls me closer to her. I glare at her angrily

S̴̶̕͠ǫ̵̛͘͟l͏̕a̴̵͏̷r̷̸͜͝(Sub):"Oh interesting...that you'd want to go back but... y҉̨o̕҉́u̧̧̡͟͞ ̵̴̨͢m̢̕͘͢͠ą̷d҉̷͡e͟͜͝ ̵̶̛͟y҉̨̀o͏̡ừ̧r̴͘҉̵ ͡͡c̶̨̕͠h̛͟͠ó͜͢͞i͟͠͡c̵̴̛͟͡e̶͡ ̀͡͠͠l͞o̶̕͜͠n̶̨̢͞͡g̶̵̀͡ ͘ą̛́ģ̕͡o̕͞ " She says as her eyes burst with golden flames with black in the center of the flames. I get forced out of my own Soul as I go back into the real world with Cinder looking at me.

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