RWBY (Volume 6) Chapter 8.

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RWBY (Volume 6) Chapter 8: Thoughts of Power / A Team's Promise

You've gone to clear your head in the vast city of Argus, you feel like you've walked around the same several various buildings and monuments multiple times at this point, are you walking in circles? It doesn't really matter where you go, so long as you get some time to just be by yourself. You feel your face being harshly brushed with the coldness that surrounds this area, you hope that when you get to Atlas it isn't nearly this cold. Your tired eyes glance up at people just endlessly walking past you, smiles on their faces and laughing as you can't help but think back to what Jaune yelled at you. You wanted to yell back at him, but what would that prove? He was absolutely right, there's a fuse lit within you that could potentially be catastrophic for everyone around you. Part of you simply wants to disappear and hope that your team will be better off without the lingering fear over their heads.

You haven't returned back to Saphron's house in several hours, you feel your Scroll buzz in your pocket, yet again. You grab it once again and look at it. For the past hour or so you've gotten nonstop calls from every member of team RWBY. And now, yet again Ruby is calling you, you stare longingly at her profile picture, it's an old one of both of you back in Vale, it's a picture of you and her laughing om the night you took her to the dance at Beacon. You so desperately miss those days where everything seemed so much simpler. Now just looking at that picture, you can't help but feel guilty to be putting everyone through this, especially her. Your thumb hovers over the accept call button for a few moments but you close your eyes and press the decline button before sighing and shutting off your scroll.

Solar(Subconscious): "Poor someone upset?" You hear her venomous voice whisper within your ears as you reel your head back in annoyance and groan.

You(Sub): "Don't you literally have ANYTHING better to do?" Her soft, twisted laughter echoes within your Soul as you feel your head throb violently, your eye feeling like it's about to burst out of its socket for a few moments as you grip your eye, nearly stumbling down to your knees.

Solar(Sub): "I'm afraid not, my dear. Why struggle? You must know by now it's long will it be till they fear you the same way they fear the Grimm, or Salem."

You(Sub): "Piss. Off." You say harshly leaning against a nearby rail, your eyes closed as her words seem to have a special way of just pissing you off. You regain your balance for a moment before rather abruptly lowering yourself and sitting on some stairsteps that lead up upwards to another part of the city. 

Solar(Sub): "Come now, is that any way to treat an invited guest?" Okay no, now THAT pissed you off, you focus your mind as you enter the depths of your Soul. Now you're standing at the barrier that Cole made as you see Solar standing there just beyond the barrier in that imperfect version of Yang she created. You take a glance to realize that Cole is nowhere to be found, her golden eyes now staring at you with a sly grin.

You: "You INVADED my Soul, hurt MY friends, nearly had my own brother kill me. How could you EVER possibly think that you'd be welcomed here."

Solar: "Those were simply a means to an end, Chronicle. Crude means for the original factor of how my sister so jealously guarded you. But now that she's indisposed...Could you imagine the utter strength we could wield together?" You scoff and roll your eyes walking right up to the barrier, you can feel the hairs on your arms and body lifting up slightly due to the static charge from being so close to the barrier.

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