RWBY Ruby Rose x Male Reader (Volume 1) Part 2.

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(Volume 1) Part 2. A Beacon of Light

It's been 6 days since your encounter with Ozpin,Glynda, and the Red Hooded Girl that you still can't stop thinking of for some reason. You're in an airship with your brother heading off to Beacon which you ALSO can't stop thinking about, but while the airship is heading to Beacon you find yourself looking down at the beautiful city of Vale.

As the projection screen was talking about Roman Torchwick (Which you learned was the reason to the whole fight on top of the roof in the first place) It transitioned over to the reports of the White Fang's increasing brutality which you hated, You always thought everyone should be treated equally no matter what they looked like, but before you could really follow what was happening, Glynda Goodwitch appears on the Projection screen.

Goodwitch:"Hello, and welcome to Beacon. My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our world is experiencing an incredible time on peace, and as future Huntsman and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage for such a task, and now, it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world."

As the projection faded, you gulped seeing as now you'll soon enough have to defend the world from evil which makes you even MORE nervous.

Raiden taps your shoulder and you turn to him

You:"What's up?"

Raiden:"Well, how does it feel being 15 years old and getting into Beacon?"

You:"ALMOST 16 FIRST OF ALL...second of's...strange."

Raiden:"How come?"

You:"Well first off I'm here early like you said, I have no friends here, I ONLY got in here because YOU convinced Ozpin to let me join and-"

You then go ranting for a bit how you fear you'll let everyone down and more depressing things before being interrupted by someone yelling

???:"Yang gross you have puke on your shoe!"


You swear that the voice was from the Red hooded girl but before you could turn to where the voice came from, someone accidentally runs into your shoulder.

You:"Oh, sorry!" you say even though it wasn't your fault but you were raised to treat everyone with mercy and kindness so it was a force of habit.

When you look to the guy who ran into you, you notice that he's blonde, tall, somewhat skinny...and...puking in the corner of the ship.

You:"Um...are you all right?"

The Blonde haired dude which you named Vomit Boy in your head put a hand up telling you to give him a second.

As he finished puking finally he got up and faced you with a very pale face.

You:"Are you good?" You say while looking at vomit boy worried

Vomit Boy:"Ugh yeah, I uh...don't take flying too well."

You:"I can see that...well...what's your name?"

Vomit Boy:"The name's Jaune Arc. It's short, sweet, rolls off the tongue, and ladies love it."

You:"....Do they?"

Jaune:"...No...anyways... so what's your name?

You:"Oh right my name is (F/L), it's nice to meet you"

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