RWBY Ruby Rose x Male Reader (Volume 4) Part 7.

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Volume 4 Part 7: Recovering/ A Wavering Friendship

You're sitting by a tree as Ruby is wrapping bandages around your shoulder...God she looks as beautiful as ever, her new outfit works really well on her. She seems a bit frazzled...but after everything that went down, you're also a bit frazzled. Ren and Jaune are beginning to set up a campfire and Qrow's resting on a nearby log. Nora's establishing the perimeter to make sure that Tyrian creep doesn't come back and make sure any Grimm are in the area. Apparently Qrow's going to tell you guys later...well the whole reason as to why Beacon was destroyed.

You:"...I...uh..." Ruby gives you a death stare before slapping you hard in the face "OOWWW!"

Ruby:"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT SCARING ME, YOU JERK!" You hold your cheek as it stings with pain "WHEN I SAW YOU IN A COMA, MY HEART ALMOST STOPPED! NOBODY KNEW WHAT THAT LIGHT SHINING FROM YOU WAS, OR WHAT HAPPENED TO RAIDEN O-OR- ANYTHING! And now look at you, injured more because you had to POP OUTTA NOWHERE!" She breaths out before sitting down on her knees leaning towards you with a serious look on her face. "(F)...I'm sorry I did that but..." She holds your hand "My mind keeps worrying this is just a dream and I'm going to wake up without you..."

You:"Don't worry my love...this isn't a dream...I'm sorry...I really am...I don't mean to scare you already know how I work, I can't just see the people I love get hurt...and because I wasn't looking at the big picture and only acting on Raiden's gone." She looks at you worried.

Ruby:"What do you mean?" You pull down your shirt and jacket a bit to reveal the massive scar on your chest, you can see the other trailing scars from Raiden's 9-whip mode as well.

You:"...Raiden did this...he's with the Man in the Cloak." Ruby becomes more worried

Ruby:"W-what do you mean?" You grab her hand as your flames cover both of your hands and show her what happened...after the memory sharing she just looks at you with tears in her she hugs you tightly... "I..."

You:"I promised Yang that I was bringing him back, and I'm promising you the same thing..." You hug her back tightly and you both stay there a forgot how amazing it felt to be with can feel the tension in your body fading. You can feel Ruby relaxing as well.

Ruby:"I've missed you so much... Most days I wondered if you would ever wake up...and some nights I'd fear that I'd never see you again..." You pull back from the hug a bit and look into her eyes as you place a hand on her cheek.

You:"I've missed you as well...more than you know...while I was in that coma...or at least the last few weeks before I woke I couldn't stop worrying about's the main reason as to why I rushed over as fast as I could, I wanted to keep you safe."

Ruby:"Heh, good to know you're still as dedicated as ever...also you look different." That dedicated part made you feel a bit guilty...

You:"Well, I'm older, taller apparently, and I've got a new but old jacket." She looks at your jacket and looks at the little glaive symbol on it.

Ruby:"Yeah...who did that for you?"

You:"What you don't think I can sew?"

Ruby:"(F) you're as good as sewing as Weiss is good with cooking..." You remember the day when the entire kitchen burned down because Weiss thought you needed put the stove onto max and then pour oil not OLIVE OIL, THE TYPE THAT'S HIGHLY FLAMMABLE OIL AND SHE PLACED IT ON THE STOVE IN ORDER TO GET THE FLAME't a fun day.

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