RWBY Ruby Rose x Male Reader (Volume 4) Part 4.

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(Volume 4) Part 4:Important talk/Trainin'. 

You stare at Taiyang, you can definitely tell he's older than the photo that Qrow showed you. But you can tell it's him with the messy blond hair and all.

Taiyang:"(F), we have a lot to talk about." Oh wonder if this is going to be anything like the 'celebration' you had with Qrow when he found out about you dating Ruby...

You:"...What do you want to talk about, sir?"

Taiyang:"Well first off, as you may have guessed I'm Ruby and Yang's dad. Taiyang Xiao Long. And I know you're (F) from the multiple stories that my daughters have told me about." He scans you "Not gonna lie...thought you'd be a bit taller." You get annoyed by that remark. He laughs a bit "I'm joking, you're a late boomer I'd guess."

You:"Pssh, well I hope so..."

Taiyang:"Well, size aside we need to talk. First off, what was the light shining from you all of this time?"

You:" see the mythical Leviathan that lives with in me saw that I was in danger and exploded my Soul to keep myself safe. The light shining from me was her putting my Soul back together." 

Taiyang:"...Riiiight. Well I've already learn from Qrow that you're the Chronicle so that's probably normal for you."

You:"Sort of."

Taiyang:"Alright, my second question is: Where's your brother, Raiden. Also learned that Raiden is dating Yang so I want to know where he is as well."

You:"I...don't know, sir." ...Should you really tell him about what really happened to Raiden? He hasn't even met Raiden so... "I don't remember the moments before my Soul shattering but all I know is that Raiden vanished afterwards." He sighs

Taiyang:"So you don't know where he went?"

You:"Nope." That part is actually true though. You have no clue where on Remnant he can be.

Taiyang:"Well, that's helpful." He scoffs lightly before leaning against the wall beside him "...Do you love my daughter?"

That...question came out of the blue...nevertheless you look him straight in the eye

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