RWBY Ruby Rose x Male Reader (Volume 2) Part 4.

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(Hey guys! ((...And gals cause I don't know who exactly reads this)) This story has passed One thousand reads!!! I am honestly quite speechless...which is why I'm typing...hehe...get it? C-cause I-I'm not actually spea-you know what never mind, um Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this and um...Hope you're enjoying it so far! Um this chapter will be MUCH shorter than usual and that is because of Finals and I can barely get time to type, so I will be splitting this into two parts...maybe three, but as soon as Finals are out of the way I'll back in RWBY mode. See ya!)

((Later Edit: Decided to merge the two parts into one))

(Volume 2) Part 4: Raiden's Past/ An Unknown Enemy

Raiden(Telepathically):"...You'll find out soon enough" You just...barely get the chance to notice it but...entire area changed for just a split second...but just long enough for you to notice the ground change to a almost glassy dark color...and the sky to be blood red...and Raiden's flame flickers purple

You back away from him as his flame returns to his new blue color

You:"...What was that?" You breathe shakily and Raiden sighs as he looks at you

Raiden:"That's not important at the moment, what matters now is getting evidence for Torchwick's plan." You're not convinced, you weren't about to let this go by.

You:"No. There is something you are not telling me, Raiden. The man in the cloak from that fight back at the docks wasn't the first time you've seen him, haven't you?" Raiden's expression turns to one of slight regret

Raiden:"...You've seen him too, haven't you?" You are a bit stunned by that question

You:"Y-yeah..." you manage to say

Raiden:"Where have you seen him exactly."

You:"...You know those night terrors I've been having?" Raiden places his hands on his head as he breathes out steadily.

Raiden:"That's where you see him?" You nod slowly and notice in the area of Raiden's memories is showing the you from the past is coughing weakly. "What does he do in these dreams of yours?"

You:"He..." You stop as your heart becomes heavy "Kills....All of us...Weiss, Blake, Yang, ...Ruby, and you...And I watch...not able to do a thing...Do you know who this guy is?" Raiden shakes his head slowly before speaking

Raiden:"Nothing is known about him, only that he has the blood of Serpent in him and that he's in league with...some very evil people."

You:"What 'evil people'?" Raiden shrugs, you wonder how exactly he has this information. "How do you know this?"

Raiden:"...Watch the memories playing before you." You look to see that the past Raiden has placed his old blue jacket on you, to keep the past you warm, you look down at the jacket you have on now... it is in fact Raiden's old jacket that you always wear. Even the small tear on the bottom of the Jacket is still there up to this day...mostly because you and Raiden don't know how to sew.

You(Past):"T-thank you..." the past you says while still shivering, the past you lays on his side before closing his eyes and sleeps.

Raiden(Sign):"Good night, bro..." You can hear Raiden's thoughts at the moment

(Remember that Raiden was still a mute at this time)

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