RWBY Ruby Rose x Male Reader (Volume 5) Chapter 7.

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(Volume 5) Chapter 7: Together at last...

(Early in the morning, Ruby's POV)

I wake up...I really couldn't get any sleep, and though sleeping in (F)'s embrace eased my troubles...I don't know, I just can't seem to get a break. I look up to see (F)'s deep in sleep, he mumbles a lot in his sleep...not nightmares though, I listen to the mumbling and it's him speaking to his family a lot of the time, I hear constant mumbles of Raiden and his mom Luna...and I used to hear him mumble about his father too...but now he doesn't speak about him at all. Odd...anyways I slowly pull away from his warm embrace and get up without waking him up. I head outside...jeez...really is early, sun's barely out. I lay down, looking up at the sky in thought...sooo much has happened...and now Team RWBY is almost fully back together...except we don't have Blake and Raiden, I mean like I know Blake will come back eventually, but Raiden...I don't know honestly, we may have a permanent loss in the team...gah! Stop thinking like that Ruby! Ugh...we miss you Raiden and we miss you too Blake. Well here's to hoping that we'll see them again. 

Moving on, it seems like Yang's awake as well. She walks out of the house and comes over to me

Yang:"You're up early." I smile at her

Ruby:"Hey sis."

Yang:"Boop." Yang lets her hair down and uses it to tickle my nose. I giggle at my big sis' ability to make me laugh during bad times. I sit up as Yang sits down next to me. I sigh

Ruby:"What are you doing up?"

Yang:"Can't fall back to sleep."

Ruby:"Ah, me neither."

Weiss:"Well, fortunately, coffee exists." I look back to see Weiss carrying a tray with four cups of coffee and walks over to join us. She lowers the tray down so Yang can grab a cup. She then lowers the tray for me, I wave my hands to show that I don't want it...unless she put cream and sugar

Ruby:"No, please!"

Weiss:"Don't worry, I put in blasphemous amounts of cream and sugar, just for you." she holds the cup out in front of me

Ruby:"Oh yeah! Nice Weiss strikes again!" Suddenly, Weiss pulls the cup away from me just as I was about to grab it.

Weiss:"I will pour this on you and it will burn." She hands the cup to me as I nervously giggle. Weiss sits down next her teammates and grabs her cup of coffee after placing the tray down next to her. Making sure the last one doesn't spill.

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