Damn! That hurts bad!
My bag fly open and my books scatter all over the floor. "What are these? Your nerdy formulas?" He mocked. He picked a book and tore in to shreds. I caught some pieces from his hands. He reached for my math assignment.
"Please don't do it, I'm begging you." I pleaded as tears rolled down my cheeks. Max, my other bully yanked my headscarf off and threw it. His goons laughed and joined in. Luckily I had an inner cap. I picked up the headscarf that laid on the floor and quickly tied it. Next to me are pages of my school books torn and crumbled.

I packed the books I could and ran for it. The tears kept falling down my cheeks. Why does this happen to me? What did i ever do to them? I ran as fast as I could to the comfort room. I cried my heart out there.I don't know how long I spent there but I heard the bell ring twice. I don't understand why people think I'm a terrorist. I have never hurt anyone not even a fly. "How I wish I could leave this place." I said out loud.

"Just ignore them and pretend not to hear them." I heard someone say. I turned and saw a tall boy with pale blue eyes looking at me. He handed me a tissue."Here." He said and I muttered a thanks.
I thought for a while and asked, "But how did you hear me and why are you in the female's rest room?"
"I can hear your sobs from the male's rest room so I came in to find out why you're crying."

"Let me help you up." He said as he aimed to lift me from the floor.

"No thanks, I can manage."

"Oh! I forgot that you're a Muslim and I can't lift you. Anyway, my name is Jacob Wilson and I'm in 12th grade, well i have history to get to. Can i know at least your name?"
"It's Yasmin Ahmad and I'm also in the 12th grade. I also have history class, so I think we are going to the same class considering math class is over."

"OK Yasmin, i will wait for you to finish wiping your tears."

We got to class and the class was filled with students. Some were gossiping about things I don't know and don't care. Some guys were looking at some sexy girls, Subhanallah. Others were dancing, singing, blah, blah, blah....

I searched for any vacant seat and I found one, the third seat on the second row. Jacob sat beside me. I opened my bag pack and brought out my torn note book before the history teacher comes in.

Mrs Rose, the history teacher came in with a wide smile on her face."Welcome back students from your summer break, I hope you had a great time. Why don't you tell me what you did during your break."

Jake came in holding a girl by her waist. "You're late Mr Williams, sit next to Miss Ahmad." OMG! Ya Allah why does it have to be him.

"Back to what i was saying, Janice can you please tell us how you spent your holiday break?"
"Mmm.. I went to Florida with my family and we had a great time together and I really enjoyed it there."

"Ok that was nice, Yasmin can you tell the whole class how you spent yours?" Mrs Rose asked me. "Err.."
"She spent hers planning on how to bomb the White House." Jake interrupted. Everybody started laughing at me and I wanted to cry again. I wish Angela is here, she always stands up for me when I got treated like shit.

"Mr Williams apologize to her right now!"

"What! I just said the truth." Jake argued.

"OK, sorry nerd." He said. I really felt hurt by his words.
"Leave this class now!" Mrs Rose roared. I saw he gave me a murderous look before he turned and walked out of the class.

"OK Yasmin tell us how you spent yours."

"I spent my holiday with my family in Saudi Arabia and returned where I spent the rest of the holiday reading interesting novels." I said playing with my fingers.

"Nerd alert." Max joked which sent everyone laughing again.
"Max! If you don't stop acting like a fool, you will be in big trouble."
He scoffed and muttered a sorry.
"Sounds like a lovely holiday miss Ahmad."

The rest of the classes were good.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
The bell rang and it was time for lunch.

I sat with my friends and i sighted Jacob, it seems that he was looking for where to seat, so I called him to seat with us.
"Guys this is Jacob Wilson. Jacob, this is Annabelle, Jason and Khadijah. They shook hands with the boys and Annabelle, Khadijah just said hi to him.

"So Jacob, how did you two meet; you and Yasmin." I knew Annabelle will ask. "I saw her crying in the comfort room so I handed her some tissues and that's how we met." He replied.

"Why were you crying?" Khadijah asked.
"Jake....called m..me a..a terrorist." The girls came close to me and hugged me.

"I swear I'm gonna kick his fucking ass." Jason clenched his fist in anger.
"Please let's forget it." I said.
When we closed, Jason offered to take me home. At least I'm done with today's drama with Jake, the bully. I wonder if he will ever stop.

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