Ch. 8// Mind-trick, Silver

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-You may see me struggle, but you'll never see me quit.-



Beep.... beep... beep.

Different, smell. Different, sound. Different.. place. Amy realized, she had been staring one corner of the room for minutes, finally able to get most of her concious back. Watching the machines her body had been hooked up showed fatal, and that her heart seemed normal, she realized she was in hospital.

Oh.. yeah.

The virus, Tin-can.. Optimus.

Her body was up like a thunder. By getting up perfectly from the bed, something was off. She felt so.. good. Relaxed, enjoyable, happy. Had the deceace somekind of after-affections? But that was matter of another time, as she took the hoses off of her body quickly and carefully, ignoring did some of them make her bleed. Her clothes were laying on one chair, so she walked up to them and got to change her hospital-clothing off.

By getting done, Amy knew the hospital like her own pockets. Putting a hoodie on, hands into pockets and leaving the room quietly was kind of suspicious, so she did the other way. Looked like a girl leaving the room, stumbling now through the long halls. She saw she was in third floor, now going the stairs down.

Something vibrated in Amy's pocket, she quickly taking her phone out to see a text.

//Parking lot on right, we see you ;)//

From Miko.

Amy grinned, slowly reaching the phone back to her pocket as she exited the hospital.

I need to thank Jack, curse to Ratchet and check Optimus.

My priorities for today.

By seeing the green road-truck already, Amy made run for it over to it. Only to be once more pulled into a tight hug as soon as she was in and on passenger seat, she gladly returning it.

"You live!" Miko squealed, Amy giving fair chuckle to her. As they broke up and Bulkhead begun to drive, Amy made serious look to her.


"Healthy as a horse! Although, he's still recovering, same as you!" Miko playfully hit her shoulder, making grump face. "You're not supposed to move, think how hard it was to steal your clothes from your house and get June's permission for you to let home!"

... Wut?


~ Time skip ~

Bulkhead speeded into the base, Amy nervously grabbing the seat under her tighter. What if Optimus wasn't exactly the same? What Bulkhead had told her was that Megatron wasn't recovering quickly as Arcee had shot his panel down, but what if it troubled Optimus? Or more importantly, his health?

And was Bumblebee okay, also?

.. He was inside Megatron's mind!

As soon as Bulkhead entered the huge main-room and slowed to stop, Amy's passenger door was quickly pushed wide open as she rushed her way around it. Searching through the room for bots. When her eyes landed to the 30 feet tall bot, his ass once more in work working by the monitors, her body froze on the spot. Watching he seemed okay from outside, a huge relief brushed over her.

"Beeep, bep, bep, beep!" Until Bumblebee came from around a corner, Amy got startled by his sudden presence. As he scooped her up from ground and swinged around, Amy laughed little.

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