39. Start of something new

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John's POV

I went to the bedroom where my girlfriend was lying on her left side. I knew I had to go but I felt bad for leaving her. I walked towards the bed and laid behind Katy. I rested my hand on her baby bump and kissed her shoulder. She was already nine months pregnant. I couldn't believe that any time now we were going to become parents. Crazy, right? A year ago when someone would tell me that I'm gonna have a baby with Katy next year I would laugh at them. It changed me a lot. She changed me. And I can truly say that I'm ready to be a father. I smiled widely as I felt our baby moving under my hand.

"This little one is really energetic today." I said making Katy giggle cutely. She turned to me and kissed my lips. It was a slow meaningful kiss full of our emotions. Love, happiness and protect. The door bell made us pull away lazily. I sighed as I stood up knowing that it was time for me to go and play a concert in LA. I went downstairs and unlocked the front door where Tamra was waiting. She greeted me and walked into the house feeling like in her own home. I turned around seeing Katy in the hallway looking sadder than ever. I made my way to her and pulled her by her chin and connected our lips. In this one kiss I gave her all the love I had for her. She pulled away as tears rolled down her makeup free face. I sighed as I wiped away her tears. "I love you so much, baby. I really don't wanna go but I have to."

She nodded her head and let go of my hand. I kissed her forehead and took my phone. I looked one last time at her and smiled. Her baby bump was huge but it looked perfect on her. Her skin softened and her face changed into more relaxed one. I have to tell you that this pregnancy was really good for her. She finally got more sleep that she needed and she took care of her mental health. I've never thought that a pregnant woman could look this sexy but she was- I mean she's Katy Perry. She always look hot. I turned my attention back to Katy who was watching me curiously. I chuckled and waved to her. She blew me a kiss as I went out of the house. I sat in the cab and unlocked my phone. As the car started driving, I went on Twitter. A smile appeared on my face as I was reading all the nice tweets about me and Katy. Most of her fans thankfully accepted me when they found out about her pregnancy and to our surprise they were really excited. It made Katy really happy because her fans were everything to her and it was important for her. I locked my phone and looked out of the window at Los Angeles' busy roads. It was 4pm which meant that my concert was starting in two hours. The sun was still shining on the sky, giving a beautiful orange color on the clouds. The car stopped and I got out of it. I went to the back door of the arena where I was going to perform. I left my stuff in the dressing room and went to see my stage.

"Hey, John! How's your beauty today?" I heard my manager scream making me turn towards him. He was standing next to the left side of the stage with my bassist, waving to me. I made my way to them and greeted them.

"She's great but the baby is taking the best of her, moving all the time these past days." I replied and ran my fingers through my brown hair. Troy chuckled probably wanting to say something but decided to let it go. I talked with him a little more and went back to my dressing room. I sat on the chair and looked in the mirror. I won't lie to you. I was so fucking nervous. It was still almost two weeks to our due date and I don't think the baby should be moving all the time. What was making me worried more was that because of the baby's kicks Katy was in so much pain recently. She was waking up in the middle of the night crying because it hurt. I wanted to make her feel better but what can I do? All I can do is hug her and try to calm her down. I watched my reflection in the mirror. I'm gonna be a dad was repeating in my mind. It was still new for me. I've never thought in million years that I would find my way back to Katy and have a family with her. This child is the best present she could ever give me. A wide smile formed on my lips as I heard a knock on the door. I stood up and opened it seeing Troy holding my guitar. I took it from him and he patted my shoulder. I went towards the stage, hearing my fans screaming. They started screaming even more when I walked on the stage, waving to them. I had a good feeling about this concert knowing that Katy was going to watch the livestream of it.

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