31. Say you won't let go

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Katy's POV

It was unfortunately our last day in Montana. I had to finally start promoting my upcoming album and tour which I was very proud of. In this past week I got really close to John. It's a good thing for every couple but not exactly for us. It just meant that we are gonna be hurt when we'll start our tours because we knew we had to start them sooner or later. This time it was sooner than we expected.

We were lying on the couch cuddled up to each other. Just one of our normal relaxing days when we don't have to think about work and all this crazy race which turned out to be our lives but we can't complain. It was our choice. The tv was on and 'The notebook' was playing when John's phone rang. John sighed as he reached it. He gave me an apologetic look as he stood up and rushed out of the room. I turned my attention back to the tv, knowing that there wasn't any good news from the person who called. John returned to the living room looking sadder than I expected. He dropped into the couch next to me, looking at the tv. I laid my head on his lap making him look down at me. He smiled sadly, probably not knowing what to say to not ruin my good mood. His hand laid on my head, massaging it as I closed my eyes. I loved when he touched and played with my hair and it's the only thing I miss about them. I decided to not cut them anymore and just let them grow back.

"I have to continue my tour." John broke the silence. "In two days." I nodded not saying anything. I didn't want to make him sad even more so I tried to show him that I was okay with it but the truth is I wasn't. I wanted to scream and cry, begging him to not leave me but what could I do? It's not his choice. He has to go and I don't wanna stop him and ruin the career he was working so hard on. It would be so selfish of me if I tried to stop him. I stood up and went to the bedroom as tears were forming in my eyes. I took my luggage and started packing my clothes to stop thinking about John's tour. I didn't realize when tears were quickly running down my face. I wanted to stop them and force them back into my eyes but I couldn't. I felt so helpless. I sat on the bed next to my clothes and broke into loud sobs.

"Oh, Kate." I heard a male voice behind me as John pulled me into his chest. "I don't wanna leave you. Believe me, I don't."

"I-i know, I j-just-" I sobbed uncontrollably, gripping his shirt tightly. "I'm n-not trying to s-stop you. I'm just gonna m-m-miss you so mu-ch."

"I'm gonna miss you more." He whispered and kissed my hair. John's head was pressed to mine as his hand was rubbing my back, trying to calm me down. I didn't know why he was still here and cared this much because every boy I knew would already run away. I wanted this relationship to work. I truly did but I was scared of the long distance relationships. They never worked with me. How much I would try they always failed. I just hoped that this relationship will survive. That we already got though a lot and we are strong enough for it. "Come on, we have a plane to catch." John said softly.

We packed our stuff and headed to the airport where our plane was already waiting for us. We got inside and took our sits. John locked our fingers on his lap as I laid my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes as I felt a soft kiss on my forehead. The plane started slowly moving and seconds later we were in the air and the sleep was taking over my body.

"You look beautiful together." I heard a woman's voice.

"Why, thank you!" John replied. I wanted to listen to their conversation but I didn't have a power to fight with tiredness. I let my body relax and took a well needed sleep while there was still a long flight for us back to LA.

"Kate, baby. We are landing." I heard a soft voice whispering into my ear as someone shook my body lightly. I opened my eyes lazily as I wrapped my arms around John not wanting to fully wake up. I yawned, hiding my face into the crock of his neck. John rubbed my arm as the plane stopped and everything went quiet which was perfect to fall asleep again. "You want me to carry you?" John chuckled as he massaged my cheek with his thumb. I nodded slowly with my eyes closed. "Aw, my poor baby is so sleepy."

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