35. You belong to me

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John's POV

"I didn't expect you to have a kink." I laughed as I played with Katy's fingers. We were in a cab, driving to the building where I'm gonna have an interview. My girlfriend looked up at me, her big ocean blue eyes wide open making me laugh. She was embarrassed of everything what happened yesterday but there was no reason to be. It was our little dirty secret that no one else knew about and it was making it even more sexy.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said quickly as she looked away. I smiled and lean in to give her a sweet kiss on the cheek. She was trying to hide her smile and push me away. I loved playing this silly games with her making her mad at me. She's just so cute when she's annoyed by my behavior, trying to act like she's angry and then breaks in giggles because she can't stay serious anymore.

"You called me all morning yesterday a daddy but you know what? I don't know either, kitten." I smirked as she hit my arm making me groan. She giggled cutely, trying to sit as far away from me as possible but I took her wrist stopping her, making sure that I didn't hurt her. "Be a good girl. Yesterday wasn't enough for you?" I looked down at her but she didn't say a word. She was staring at her wrist which I was still holding, looking paralyzed. The smile from her face faded as her eyes were blank. Her body started shaking in fear as she didn't want to make an eye contact. Just then it hit me that I shouldn't touch her like this. She was in an abusive relationship, then got raped and they probably were holding her wrists harshly. I quickly loosened my grip on her wrist making her hand slip away from me. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her body close to me. I ran my hand though her short hair, my head pressed to hers. She looked into my eyes, her expression was sad making me feel like an asshole. It was never my intention to hurt her. All I wanted to do was to protect her yet I was making stupid mistakes all the time, breaking her even more. I was unbelievably disappointed with myself. "I am so sorry, Kate. I didn't mean to-"

"I know." She whispered as she finally hugged me, resting her head on my chest. She stayed like that a few minutes, calming herself. Her eyes shut, probably wanting to forget about all these bad memories of them. I wiped away a single tear which escaped her eyelid and brought her closer to me. Her long lashes fluttered as I kissed her forehead. She started playing with a button of my shirt, her gaze locked with mine. She raised a little to reach my ear, her hot breath hitting my skin making my shiver. "I've never thought that I would call someone a daddy."

"I like when you call me daddy." I returned, my hand rubbed her back. She bit her bottom lip which made her look innocent and sexy at the same time. She didn't even have to try. Every time I looked at her I was amazed by her beauty. I couldn't believe that anyone can be this beautiful and have a big loving heart. She was truly an angel brought by God from heaven to help this world.

"Kinky, kinky." Katy giggled like a school girl making her look even cuter than she already was. I grinned, my hand on her chin pulling her face to me until I felt her soft pink lips on mine. "Don't you dare to say about it in the interview." She murmured into my lips and pecked them a few times. The cab stopped next to the big skyscraper. I gave Katy one last kiss and got out of the car. I watched as it drove away towards the Starbucks where Katy was meeting with Shannon. I turned to the building behind me and went to the door. I pushed them open and walked into the hallway where my manager was waiting for me. I greeted him with a huge smile and we went to my dressing room. After a few minutes of getting ready, I made my way to the room where my interview was going to be. I heard people cheering when they saw me making me grin. I sat on the chair, feeling confident. I was ready for the questions. I already discussed them with Troy and Katy. We decided to not tell the world about our relationship just yet. We wanted it to be huge since paparazzi didn't find out about us. Well, we were good at hiding. Years of practices. We planned to show us to the world at the Grammys. I think it was a brilliant idea because it's like the biggest music awards and everyone watches it. After all the questions about my album and tour, there came the time for my love life.

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