20. In repair

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Orlando's POV

I was sitting on the couch with my morning coffee observing Katy as she was preparing her birthday party. She sighed loudly as she opened her notebook and frowned.

"I'm done with this shit!" She screamed as she threw her notebook on the wall and covered her face with her hands.

"Calm down, baby." I whispered as I rubbed her back. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." She sobbed.

"It surely is something because you're crying." I sighed. "Tell me."

"I just don't know- I'm gonna cancel it." She looked up, her eyes red. "I have no idea who get to sing or what they can sing. I still don't have menu- oh, and fucking cake! Ugh, I totally forgot."

"You're not canceling anything. I'm gonna get you a cake." I said quickly.

"No, Orl-"

"I will do it. Don't worry." I interrupted her.

"Okay, so we have five days left. I'm gonna make a menu and you find me a perfect cake." She stood up and kissed my cheek. "I trust you."

I watched as she made her way upstairs and minutes later she was back dressed up with her car keys in left hand. Katy looked at me questionably.

"Aren't you going?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah. But first coffee." I showed her my half empty cup.

"So the cup of coffee is more important than me?" She crossed her arms. I stood up and went to her.

"Never." I said as I kissed her cheek. "I'm gonna get Flynn with me."

"Okay. See ya later!" She waved as she opened the front door.

"What about a goodbye kiss?" I yelled walking to the hallway.

"Nuh-uh. You were a really bad boy this morning." She said as she stopped in the doorframe.

"What did I do?" I asked confused.

"Think of what you didn't do." She replied and disappeared behind the door.

I had no idea what she meant and I felt confused. I let it go and I took my keys. I drove to Miranda's to get Flynn. I knocked on the door and waited for them to open. The door opened and I saw surprised Miranda.

"Orlando? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I wanted to take Flynn to me." I said simply.

"Don't you suppose to spend this day with Katy?"

"What? Why with K-" I tried to ask but Flynn interrupted me.

"Daddy!" He screamed as I picked him up.

"It's 25th October, Orlando." Miranda informed me. And then it hit me. Think of what you didn't do. I fucking forgot about her birthday.

"Fuck. This is why she was acting different today. Oh God, I'm so stupid." I was so angry at myself. How could I forget? I made her sad on her special day. "Never mind, we will make a surprise for her, right Flynn?"

"Yes!" Flynn clapped his hands happily. We drove to the bakery and looked at all different cakes. "What about this?"

"I wanna something special." I said as I looked at the simple pink cake with sweets.

"Excuse me? I heard that you want a special cake, right?" An older woman asked me from behind.

"Um, yeah. I'm searching for a cake for my girlfriend. She's throwing a big birthday party and she wants something fancy and original." I returned.

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