36. City of stars

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A/N: Hi guys! I decided to upload this chapter today because I'm not sure if I will have time tomorrow. I have a lot things to do like finally start packing for my London trip because I'm leaving this Tuesday and I'm sooo excited lol Anyway, thank you all for still reading this book and for your votes and comments. It truly means so much. You show me that there's something I actually can do (kinda) and some people enjoy it just as much as I am! Love you all and see you in my next chapter

Katy's POV

Month flew by really quickly and now I was finishing a concert from my tour. I loved being on stage, hearing people screaming my name. I knew I was making them happy and it made me cheerful. I was unbelievably proud of myself when I was seeing their smiles. It was showing me that I was worth. That there were people who care and love me for me. They love Katheryn Hudson, not Katy Perry. And that was the feeling I never wanted to let go.

I ran out of the stage to my dressing room and changed into more comfortable clothes. There was a long flight waiting for me because in a few hours was John's 40th birthday. He was already in the sky with his friends, flying to Brazil where will be another leg of his tour. He had no idea I will be there. I wanted to surprise him and of course I missed him so much that I just couldn't wait anymore. As I was on my plane, I was this excited to see my boyfriend that I couldn't get any sleep. I wanted to hear his voice whispering sweet nothings into my ear, feel his strong grip around my body making me feel so petite, have a chance to taste his sweet lips and maybe even more... Why couldn't we be a normal relationship? Everyone needs some time to spend it with their lover, to stop thinking about their work and problems around them. To feel loved and careless.

I looked out of the small window in the plane at the dark sky with beautiful stars around us. My phone lit up showing one new notification which meant that it was midnight and John just turned 40 in LA time zone. I closed my eyes trying to get some sleep but my phone didn't let me buzzing in my pocket. I pressed the home button which showed a message from John, saying that they landed safely and he loves me. I smiled at my phone, my heart melting for the fact that he send me a text to stop my worries and overthinking. I once again tried to fall asleep but this time successfully. I woke up when the sun was already up and my plane was landing. I took my bags and went to John's manager's car. Troy took me to John's hotel room where I refreshed myself and left my things. I dressed in a blue dress which was shaped perfectly, exposing my body just like I wanted it to, ending in the middle of my thighs and showing a little of my cleavage. I wore blue high heels and done my makeup. John's friends made a party for him and reserved all club for it which was really sweet of them because I wouldn't be able to prepare everything in time with my crazy tour going on every night. We drove to the club. To my surprise it was kinda big and had a swimming pool on the roof. We went inside, looking for John. Thankfully, no one noticed us. I saw John talking with a girl, she was probably already drunk and was looking at my boyfriend like she could eat him. She was the same height as me or maybe a little taller, her blonde hair was long bouncing loosely on her shoulders as she was swaying to the music. She had too much makeup on and too tight dress. She was just a typical plastic girl but she was still really pretty. Her green eyes were traveling up and down John's body making me feel jealous. He could easily have her. Actually, he could have any girl he wanted. My confidence level was getting lower and lower and I couldn't watch them anymore. I quickly made my way to them and stood behind John. Troy greeted him and looked at me with a wink.

"Yo, John. Guess who's with me." Troy said as I covered John's eyes with my small hands. He lightly held my wrists, trying to guess who it was. I heard my name from his lips, making me remove my hands from his face. He turned around with his mouth open. He picked me up, swaying me back and forth in his arms, a huge smile on his face. I held his face in my hands and pecked his lips a few times making the girl, he was talking to minutes earlier, look at me in disgust.

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